Annual Policy Reminder: Modifying University Buildings and Properties
Good day, PNW Faculty and Staff.
Please be advised university policy requires all work that involves the physical construction, alteration or improvement to university owned, leased or occupied facilities, or any improvements to land owned or leased by the university must be performed with the prior knowledge and written consent of the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration.
Prior written consent is required for all modifications to existing facilities, including but not limited to equipment installation, repair or modification of building envelope and structural components, electrical systems and equipment, telecommunication wiring and equipment, lighting, security alarms, heating, ventilating and refrigeration systems, plumbing and piping systems, walls and wall finishes, doors and partitions, furniture and casework, hazardous material abatement, masonry work and grounds site improvements.
The relevant policy may be found at:
Remodeling, Alterations, or Improvements to University Facilities (IV.B.4)
Stephen R. Turner
Vice Chancellor of Finance & Administration