CIVS Receives AIST 2021 Digitalization Applications Technology Best Paper Award

CIVS and our collaborator, Steel Dynamics, Inc., were notified on November 25, 2020 that the paper titled, “Smart Ladle: AI-Based Tool for Optimizing Casting Temperature” has been selected for the AIST 2021 Digitalization Applications Technology Best Paper Award. The authors of this paper are Nicholas J. Walla (CIVS Staff), Zhankun Luo (MCE Student), Bin Chen (PFW Faculty), Yury Krotov (Steel Dynamics, Inc.), and Dr. Chenn Q. Zhou (CIVS Director).
The paper describes the work of the authors in making the Smart Ladle, an ongoing project to develop a machine-learning tool that uses industry process data to predict future behavior in the steel refining and casting processes. Using information gathered by SDI Butler Division, the Smart Ladle builds connections between the different inputs (such as a ladle’s history) and the temperature of the steel in the continuous caster. Having this knowledge gives operators additional insight into changes and expected results, allowing adjustments to be made that can improve steel quality and cleanliness.
AISTech 2021 Conference will feature this paper. The conference will be held May 3-6, 2021 in Nashville, TN. This award was established in 2005 and is presented to the author(s) of a paper, selected by the AIST Energy, Control and Digitalization Technology Division, and judged by the AIST Digitalization Applications Technology Committee to be the best technical paper submitted. AISTech 2021 will feature technologies from all over the world that help steel producers to compete more effectively in today’s global market.
The Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST) is a non-profit organization with over 18,500 members from more than 70 countries. AIST represents a large network of steel industry professionals with tremendous knowledge and expertise.