CLO Phase 2 Construction – Hammond Campus

Purdue University Northwest Classroom Office Building
Good morning,
It’s that time of year again when construction projects take place on campus. Several projects kick off Monday, May 13th with the CLO Phase 2 renovation of the 1st floor being the most impactful on building access and pedestrian traffic flow through buildings.
The CLO main entrance and first floor will be closed due to construction until the beginning of the fall semester. The 2nd and 3rd floors will be accessible through the Peregrine Path entrances that lead to the stairwells. The south elevator will remain accessible but the north elevator (closest to Anderson) will not be available as it is within the construction zone on the 1st floor.
There will be no pedestrian traffic allowed through CLO and the corridor will be blocked off and marked closed. Due to the project there have been some temporary department relocations as shown below.
These departments should all be back in CLO prior to the fall semester. Thank you for your patience while this project is completed.
Temporarily Relocated Departments:
- Student Life – SULB 324 C & D
- Dean of Students – PORT 209
- Office for First Generation Initiative – PORT 211B
- TRIO Educational Talent Search – Hammond – PORT 203
- TRIO Upward Bound/Upward Math and Science – GYTE 007D
- TRIO Student Support Services – PORT 216 A&E
Thank you,