Certification Testing
As a College of Business student, you can distinguish yourself and certify at no cost in Microsoft Office applications like Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
- Certification sessions will be one hour unless indicated otherwise.
- Exams are timed at 50 minutes each.
- Please bring a photo ID.
- Microsoft Office Specialist certification testing does not include a practice test.
Get Certified at the Testing Center in Hammond or Westville
Exams are given in the Hammond Testing Center in SULB, Room 318 and the Westville Testing Center in Tech, Room 265.
We are working on setting up testing again…please check back soon!
For info, contact Dave Woronecki-Ellis – ddellis@pnw.edu
Exam Details
You can take an exam to become a specialist in one or more applications or an expert in Word or Excel.
Please contact David Ellis at david.ellis@pnw.edu for additional information on the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification.
Contact the Hammond Testing Center at testingcenter@pnw.edu with questions about scheduling.