Faculty Staff
First 6 Week Module Ends
The first 6 week module of summer classes ends Friday, June 21.
Laser Grateful Dead
From kaleidoscopic psychedelia to homespun country rock to epic live jams and beyond, experience The Grateful Dead on a whole other level - through laser light!
Acorn Concert Series: Elton Jeff & The Honky Cats (Elton John Tribute)
You don't want to miss this iconic performance by Elton Jeff & The Honky Cats at our Acorn Concert Series.
Psyched for Summer! – Psychology Summer Camp
Psyched for Summer is summer program hosted by Purdue University Northwest to promote high school student's interest in Psychology.
Second 6 Week Module Begins
The second 6 week module of summer classes ends Monday, June 24.
Environmental Science Summer Camp
Environmental Science Camp offers high school students a week of hands-on discovery that includes classroom activities, laboratory investigations and investigations in the field.
PNW Pride Fest
Celebrate Pride with PNW! Enjoy music, food, games and giveaways.
Westville Parking Lot Repairs
Perma-Seal will be working on two of the entrances into lots six and seven on PNW's Westville campus. They will also be working on the South Drive east of the DSAC building and patching an area in the grounds/maintenance parking area.
First-Gen Ice Cream Contest – Submission Deadline
Staff, faculty and students are able to submit their proposals for the first-gen student at PNW ice cream contest.
Deadline to Submit Summer 2024 Residency Application
Residency Applications for Summer 2024 are due by 4:30 pm on Monday, July 1. For more information, visit the Residency web page.