Student Life Highlights

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Winter Wonderland Ball

Dress your best and join us for a festive evening hosted by our Student Government Association!

Carols at the Bell Tower

Get in the spirit by singing along to traditional holiday tunes at the PNW Bell Tower!

PNW MLK Celebration featuring Carol Anderson

On Thursday, January 12 the PNW community is invited to come together to discuss, learn, and reflect on topics related to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Legacy.

CHESS Film Series: Hidden Figures

Join us for the CHESS Film Series: Movies & Discussions on Black History! This week, we will be watching Hidden Figures (2016).

CHESS Film Series: Enola Holmes

Join us for the CHESS Film Series: Movies & Discussions on Women's History! This week, we will be watching Enola Holmes (2020).

CHESS Film Series: Lady Bird

Join us for the CHESS Film Series: Movies & Discussions on Women's History! This week, we will be watching Lady Bird (2017).

Eliminating Racial Disparities in Maternal Morbidity

Listen as keynote speaker Janet Seabrook, Ph.D. addresses the causes of BIPOC women’s disproportionately high rates of maternal morbidity and explains why Indiana’s rates are third worst in the US. This keynote address is proceeded with a showing of the movie Aftershock.

CHESS Film Series: Little Women

Join us for the CHESS Film Series: Movies & Discussions on Women’s History! This week, we will be watching Little Women (2019).

Comedy Show with Kelly Kellz

Gather your friends and enjoy lots of laughs together at our Spring Comedy Show featuring "Kelly Kellz” Davis, one of the country’s most dynamic comedians and a member of Delta Sigma Theta sorority!