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Student Life
Blood Drive – Westville
Donate your blood today to save lives!
Teddy Jacobi Scholar Presentations
Come join us to explore the background of the College of Business faculty!
Native American Musician: Ramiro Ramírez Duarte
Join us for a performance by Ramiro Ramírez Duarte as part of PNW's Native American Heritage Month celebration!
Drop it Like it’s Hot (Wings) – Westville
Are you curious about when and how to drop your classes? Join us to ask questions about the dropping process!
Athletics Week Ahead
Come cheer on our PNW athletes this week!
HTM Annual Chili Cook-off
Join us as seven teams make seven chilis for the 2024 Chili Cook-Off!
Diwali 2024 Celebrations
Join the Indian Student Association at Purdue Northwest for a vibrant Diwali celebration!
Athletics Week Ahead
Come cheer on our PNW athletes this week!
Intramural 2 on 2 Bags Tournament
Come join us for the Intramural 2 on 2 Bags Tournament!
Word on the Mane Street: International Education
Join us for an engaging and insightful discussion on the complexities and rewards of international education.