
Engage your senses by discovering a variety of environments throughout the arboretum; from prairies to wetlands, the arboretum supports several habitats for plants and wildlife.

A single tree in the middle of a field of grasses


The Savanna Wetland is the largest body of water at the arboretum. Totaling six surface acres, it is comprised of extensive shallows in the northwest portion and deep, open water in the southeast. Home to ducks, geese, swallows, crayfish, turtles and frequented by other wildlife, this wetland always has something surprising to see.

Gabis Arboretum’s prairies are indicative of the tallgrass prairies that once covered vast acres of the Midwest, including parts of northwest Indiana. The arboretum’s prairies were planted and restored beginning in 1996 and continue to change and grow.

The arboretum’s woodlands are made up of majestic oak and hickory trees, hawthorn, black cherry, hazelnut and several others. With hiking trails nestled throughout, the woodlands offer a natural habitat for local wildlife.

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