Increase in Malware on Macs

February 19, 2020
  1. Mac threats have increased by more than 400%. When calculated in threats per device, Macs still outpace Windows devices by ~2:1.

Read the State of Malware Report released by Malwarebytes

Tips to Stay Safe

  1. Install anti-virus/anti-malware software from a trusted vendor.
  2. Keep your devices up to date. Hackers will try to take advantage of flaws in outdated software/hardware.
  3. Be careful if you find a USB lying around. Someone may deliberately leave the USB for you to plug in and infect your device.
  4. Hover over links to review where it’s taking you.
  5. Scan attachments using your antivirus/anti-malware.

Learn more about protecting yourself from malware by reading our security tip pages.


If you have any questions, please contact Information Security Services will provide more information on various cyber security topics.

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