Below are several common questions that are asked about the 360-Degree Assessment Surveys distributed by the Leadership Institute.

If you need additional information, please contact us.

360-Degree Assessment Surveys

360-degree evaluation surveys (sometimes called 360 surveys) are a leader development tool used for providing important feedback. As a developing leader, you answer a series of questions about your own leadership style, skills, and behaviors. You then invite others who know you well (typically your boss, co-workers, friends and direct reports) to answer those same questions. You can then compare how you see yourself with how others see you. Doing this comparison allows you to identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as hidden strengths and potential blind spots.

As social scientists, we believe that feedback is valuable. However, to achieve maximum effectiveness, it is important to consider both the type of feedback and the source of feedback. Most 360-degree evaluations are lacking in two ways:

  1. Most 360-degree evaluations focus exclusively on the workplace. However, leadership occurs in all areas of life – at work, at home, with friends, with family, and in community organizations.
  2. Most 360-degree evaluations are comprised of questions that have not been subject to scientific, peer-reviewed scrutiny. As a result, there is little or no evidence that the questions accurately reflect the actual styles, skills, and behaviors which are important for effective leadership.

To address these problems, we designed our 360-degree evaluation from the ground up. It is unique in two important ways:

  1. We utilize an “all areas of life” approach that can encompass leadership at work, with friends and family, and in community organizations (for example, coaching children’s sports or serving on a board of directors for a not-for-profit organization, to name just a few). Even if you do not have a “formal” leadership role in all of these areas, chances are strong that you are engaging in leadership activities. Receiving feedback about those activities is helpful for your development.
  2. We use questions that are based on scientific research that is published in double-blind peer-reviewed journals. This means that you benefit from the best scientific thinking about leadership.
  • The tool will help you gain insight into your strengths and your challenges.
  • The assessment gives perspective into your leadership in multiple domains.
  • It provides a rich starting point for your personal growth and development.

The 360 data snapshot forms the basis for a rich one-on-one coaching experience led by our team of leadership experts.

  • Receiving input from a large cohort of reviewers (raters) provides a multi-layered approach to an individual’s self-reflection.
  • The assessment provides a strategic way for an individual to begin one’s personal development plan.