Recommended Resources

Explore some of the web team’s favorite books, podcasts and additional resources related to web communications and digital marketing.


“Don’t Make Me Think” by Steve Krug
A classic introduction to putting the user experience at the center of your web communications. Approachable and engaging.

“Contagious: Why Things Catch On” by Jonah Berger
More marketing-centric, this book offers a great foundation for making messages unique and compelling.


Orbit Media
The blog for this Chicago web-design firm offer regular updates on content marketing, analytics and web design.

UX Myths
No longer updated, but still informative, this series combats common misconceptions about web user-experience with stats and studies

Free Online Coursework

Google Analytics Academy
Google’s free courses offer great guidance as to how to build goals and measurement into your web thinking.

Hubspot Academy Courses
This digital-marketing firm offers free introductory courses on topics ranging from social media to inbound marketing.


Higher Voltage: A Podcast for Higher Ed Marketers
This podcast brings together professionals from admissions, marketing, career services, alumni relations, and more to discuss higher-ed marketing.

The Marketing Book Podcast 
This podcast series offers a great snapshot of recent marketing-book reads with author interviews.