PNW is committed to maintaining a community that recognizes and values the worth and dignity of every person.
The university takes seriously reports of discrimination and harassment (including sexual harassment and assault), child abuse, ethical concerns and access barriers.
Reporting Sexual Assault
If you experience sexual assault, relationship violence, sexual exploitation or stalking, please contact your Title IX Coordinator immediately. They can provide help and support.
PNW Title IX Coordinator

Mandatory Reporter Responsibilities
While the University encourages all campus community members to report incidents of harassment or discrimination, several classifications of employees have been identified as “mandatory reporters” for Title IX purposes. These employees have the authority and responsibility to take action to remedy harassment.
Individuals employed by the University who hold a title of or equivalent to
- President,
- Chancellor,
- Vice president,
- Vice chancellor,
- Vice provost,
- Dean,
- Department head or director;
as well as
- employees in supervisory or management roles, and,
- Staff who have authority to institute corrective measures on behalf of the University.
- Ensure your safety and the safety of the reporter/victim. In an emergency or situation of imminent danger, call 911 immediately.
- Inform the person reporting that you are required to report the incident to the University’s Title IX Coordinator only, not to the police, supervisors, family members, friends or others.
- Explain to the person reporting that if they do not wish to, they do not have to press charges or file a report with law enforcement.
- Listen to the person.
- Report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator on your campus – Laura Odom
- Refer the person reporting to relevant resources for additional support.
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
Indiana law requires that all persons over the age of 18 report suspected child abuse or neglect to the police or Child Protective Services. If you suspect or witness child sexual abuse on campus, you must report it to the police and/or the local child protective services.
- University Police: (219) 989-2220 (Hammond) | (219) 785-5220 (Westville)
- Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline 1-800-800-5556
Reporting Discrimination and Harassment
The University encourages you to report incidents of Harassment, Discrimination, or Retaliation to the Office of Institutional Equity. Your concerns will be addressed promptly and consistently.
Hammond Location
Lawshe Hall, Room 218
(219) 989-2337
Westville Location
Schwarz Hall, Room 148
(219) 785-5545
Reporting Accessibility Barriers
If you experience any barrier that prevents you from accessing or participating in any University program, activity, service, or event; please let us know by completing the Campus Accessibility Concern form or contacting your campus ADA Coordinator.
Anonymous Reporting
Purdue University has a simple and anonymous method of reporting concerns about unethical or illegal behavior, suspected fraud, waste, issues of academic integrity or scholastic misconduct, or misuse of University assets, as well as regulatory noncompliance. Call 1-866-818-2620 or click Purdue Hotline.