Barbara Mania-Farnell, Ph.D.

Professor of Biological Sciences


Barbara Mania Farnell is a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences. Her teaching and research focus on neurobiology and development, and how these are impacted by environmental factors.


Select Publications

Global Reduction of H3K4me3 Improves Chemotherapeutic Efficacy for Pediatric Ependymomas. Lewis R, Li YD, Hoffman L, Hashizume R, Gravohac G, Rice G, Wadhwani NR, Jie C, Pundy T, Mania-Farnell B, Mayanil CS, Soares MB, Lei T, James CD, Foreman NK, Tomita T, Xi G. Neoplasia. 2019 Jun;21(6):505-515. doi: 10.1016/j.neo.2019.03.012. Epub 2019 Apr 18. T

herapeutic Potential for Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 in Human Malignant Glioma. Xi G, Best B, Mania-Farnell B, James CD, Tomita T. Neoplasia. 2017 Apr;19(4):261-270. doi: 10.1016/j.neo.2017.01.006. Epub 2017 Mar 7.

Review. Targeting CD133 improves chemotherapeutic efficacy of recurrent pediatric pilocytic astrocytoma following prolonged chemotherapy. Xi G, Li YD, Grahovac G, Rajaram V, Wadhwani N, Pundy T, Mania-Farnell B, James CD, Tomita T. Mol Cancer. 2017 Jan 31;16(1):21. doi: 10.1186/s12943-017-0593-z.

Teaching Focus

Anatomy and Physiology , Introductory courses for Non-Science Majors, Upper level undergraduate / graduate courses in the areas of Neurobiology, Epigenetics, Developmental Biology


(219) 989-2014

Office Location:

Hammond Campus, NILS 340P


  • Ph.D. Neurobiology and Physiology Northwestern University
  • M.A. Social Sciences University of Chicago
  • B.S. Biological Sciences DePaul University

Areas of Expertise

  • Neurobiology Epigenetics Developmental Biology