Corinne Djuric, M.S., RN, FNP-C
Clinical Instructor

Focus on graduate studies. Coordination of advanced health assessment, adult management, young family clinical, and FNP capstone. Didactic and laboratory as well as preceptorship of FNP students.
Research Overview
Ongoing secondary research project: “Primary care services tailored for adult and adolescent homeless persons: a scoping review” The protocol is in the editing phase for publication in the Joanna Briggs Institute Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
I love hockey!
Select Publications
Allen, J. & Djuric, C. (2019). Using an FNP Student Tracking System: A Practical Approach to Verifying Independent Practice Competencies.
National: This was presented at the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) National Conference.
State: This was presented at the Indiana League for Nursing (ILN) Innovative Teaching Strategies Dinner and Discussion.