Geoffrey Ridley Barrow, Ph.D.
Professor of Spanish

Fundamental courses in Spanish, real-life applied practical interdisciplinary courses in medicine, hotel & tourism, translation and current commercial topics. Focus on semantics, ethnography and, particularly on listening and speaking training and practice. Regular four course semester teaching opportunities.
Senate representative and co-coordinator on Intercampus Faculty Council.
Research Overview
Three book manuscripts: OTERO Spanish Franco regime bilingual poetry translation (pending copyright approval); GRACIAN Translation of early modern Spanish manual of homiletics (in process); VILARINO Modern South American collection of love poems (completed and seeking publisher)
I am always proud to hear of my students’ work progress and their applications of Spanish, the variety of occupations where they find their experiences, abilities, and where their PNW training is profitable and valuable. Never stop advancing!
Select Publications
- Academia claims more than 3000 citations of publications (unverified)
- Amazon claims 9000 readers of product minireviews
- Publications Cited in standard MLA and YWML bibliographies
Teaching Focus
A natural approach based directly on speech to ensure sound pronunciation from the start. A direct method emphasizing learning grammar by practice rather than precept. Select graded short texts to read out loud. Choral group recitations and interactions. Small group conversation and topic discussion practice. Greetings, people and place names, family, work, daily routines, cultural geography, a broad range of useful topics.
Previous Roles
- Initiated Luso-Portuguese studies instruction at Brown University
- Purdue University Northwest grants person and Foreign Languages department head, Arts and Sciences
- Established FL International Media Lab and translation program
- Indiana DNR boater education instructor