Joseph Coates
Assistant Professor of Practice/Assistant Director, University Library

Joseph Coates’s focus is small repository management, oral history and information literacy.
Research Overview
My focus is to ensure students, faculty and staff understand information literacy concepts, the dangers of fake news and the preservation of institutional knowledge. I am active in the Society of Indiana Archivists, the Midwest Archives Conference and Academic Libraries of Indiana.
I feel my most important job is to act as the caretaker of the history of not only Purdue Northwest, but also our legacy institutions. The Calumet Region is a unique area and although seen as a place in decline, we have a lot to offer in terms of culture and uniqueness in the state of Indiana.
Select Publications
Coates, Joseph D., Nowak, Danielle. (2021) “Creating a Bibliography in the Digital Age” MAC Newsletter, Vol 48, 4.
Coates, Joseph D. (2020) “Experiential Learning and Oral History,” MAC Newsletter: Vol.48.2
Coates, Joseph D. (2019) “Digitizing and Hosting on the Cheap: Merging Two University Archives into One,” MAC Newsletter: Vol.47.2, No.185.
Coates, Joseph (2019) “When Good Intentions Aren’t Good Enough: Signs of Successful Archives”, The Christian Librarian: Vol.62: Is. 2, Article 9.
Coates, J. D., & Pula, J. S. (Eds.). (2019). Purdue University North Central: The History of a Regional Campus. Valparaiso, In: Academic Consulting, Incorporated.
Previous Roles
- Reference Librarian and Archivist, Calumet College of St. Joseph
- Branch Manager, LaPorte County Public Library