PNW Faculty Research Board Election Results

August 21, 2024
PNW's Nils K. Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building

Dear campus community,

The PNW Research Board is excited to announce the newly elected members for the 2024-25 academic year. There were many strong candidates, and the board members would like to thank all nominees.

Our newly elected members are:

At-Large Faculty Representative

Lindsay Gielda, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology

Faculty Representative for the College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

Jessica Ivy, Ph.D., Thomas Ray Crowell Endowed Professor of STEM Education

The Purdue University Northwest Faculty Research Board (PNW-FRB) promotes faculty and student research and serves as the independent advisory board to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost (VCAAP) or designee on all matters related to scholarly activities. Board terms for voting representatives last for three years.

The Research Board Charter and listing of all members can be found on the PNW Research Board website.