Resolutions & Meeting Minutes – October 2, 2020

October 2, 2020

SGA Senate Meeting Minutes

Fifth Session

Date: 10/2/20

I. Call to Order, Roll Call

MemberRoll CallMemberRoll Call
President Oriana WhitePresentCOB Hammond Senator Matthew ZipkoPresent
Vice President Megan SiminskiPresentCOB Westville SenatorAbsent
Chief of Staff Raven ChantAbsentCES Hammond Senator Brendan Rathbone-DeschPresent
Chief Financial Officer Tyler KlukkenPresentCES Westville Senator Mya MethnerPresent
Faculty Advisor Dr. Richard RuppAbsentCHESS Hammond Senator Absent
CHESS Westville Senator Caitlyn KalisikPresent
CON Hammond Senator Brynn NicholPresent
CON Westville Senator Jasmine RomanPresent
COT Hammond Senator Absent
COT Westville SenatorAbsent
Honors Hammond Senator Megan GranadosPresent
Guests:Colin FewerHonors Westville Senator Kayla VasilkoPresent

II. Approval of the Agenda

a. Motion: Senator Rathbone-Desch

b. Second: Senator Zipko

c.Measure: pass

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes

a. Motion: Senator Vasilko

b. Second: Grandados

c. Measure: pass

IV. Executive Board (2 minutes per)

a. Oriana White-President

i. Outreach Hours

      1. See notes on hours sheet from Oriana
      2. Priority is connecting with your college and college deans

ii. Chancellor meeting: extended building hours

iii.October Town Hall: October 15th at 12pm

b. Megan Siminski-Vice President

c.Tyler Klukken-Chief Financial Officer

i.Key Cards for Hammond Campus

ii. Outreach hours form created for 2nd period and shared on Google Drive

d. Richard Rupp-Advisor (unable to attend; presented by Oriana White)

i. Leadership Institute training options

V. SGA Retreat

a. Discussion of meeting in-person versus virtual

b. Idea: Halloween – wear a costume if virtual

VI. Current Projects

a. Free (Aunt) Flow

i. Oriana & Raven talked

ii. Pilot phase: 15 bathrooms total

iii. Lactation stations & changing stations

1. At least 5 on each campus

b. Cram Jam

i. Break it into college locations on Westville and Hammond

ii. Email VP Siminski

VII. Added Business / Concerns (5 minutes per)

a. Discussion on Leadership Training

b. Inquired about certificate for resume

c. Unanimous decision to have leadership training

i. 4 versus 8 sessions

ii.Senate majority voted for 8 sessions

1. 3 in Fall semester

2. 5 in Spring semester

d. Questions we have:

i. Course materials on Brightspace?

ii. Application of skills / work required?

iii. Session schedule fall (3) and spring (4)?

VIII. Open Comments from Student Senate (Morgan’s Minute)

a. Senator Granados: what engineering clubs are there and meeting times; advisors?

i. Responded to by Senator Rathbone-Desch

b. Senator Roman: have been reached out to Spanish club?

i. Responded to by President White

IX. Open Comments from Student Body (5 minutes per)

a. N/A

X. Meeting Ajouned

a. Motion: Vasilko

b. Second: Rathbone-Desch

c. Measure: pass