SGA Senate Meeting Minutes September 25, 2021

September 25, 2021

Sixth Session

I. Call to Order, Roll Call (2 minutes); Time: 7:34 p.m.


  • President Oriana White
  • Chief of Staff Aneri Patel
  • Faculty Advisor Dr. Richard Rupp
  • CES Senator (H) Savannah Yamat
  • CES Senator (H) Mya Methner
  • CHESS Senator (H) Michael Edington
  • CHESS Senator at Large (W) Emily Feliciano
  • CON Senator (H) Mason Cook
  • Honors College Senator (H) Megan Granados
  • Graduate School Senator (H) Evan Fus


  • Vice President Jake Dyrkacz
  • COT Senator (W) Braden Regier
  • Honors College Senator (W) Saige Addison

II. Approval of the Agenda (2 minutes)

A. Motion: Senator Methner

B. Second: Senator Fus

C. Measure: Pass

III. Approval of Minutes (2 minutes)

A. Motion: Senator Methner

B. Second: Senator Edington

C. Measure: Pass

IV. Executive Board (2 minutes per)

A. Oriana White, President

1. Town Halls

a) Town halls will continue from last year (monthly)

b) Oct. 13 @3pm-4pm

(1) Will count for 0.5 hours of outreach if a member shows up and participates.

(2) Attendees: Chancellor Thomas Keon, Vice Chancellor Lisa Goodnight, and Provost Kenneth Holford,

(3) Topic: Changes at Westville

B. Jake Dyrkacz, Vice President

C. Aneri Patel, Chief of Staff

1. Executive Report

a) Review last week’s

2. Community Garden

a) Volunteering opportunities to clean out the existing gardens

D. Megan Granados, President Pro-Tempore

1. Talking to the Press

a) PNW newspaper: Pioneer

(1) Writers might reach out to SGA members to talk about events or role in SGA

(2) Any comments will be on record so be cautious as you cannot take back what you said

2. Outreach Hours

a) Update hours regularly

b) 8 outreach hours for senators, 12 outreach hours for the Executive Board

E. Mason Cook, Chief Financial Officer

1. Fiscal Request Process

a) Send resolutions to CFO first if the budget is involved

b) For online orders, time for delivery depends on the order

2. If you’ve made it this far in the meeting minutes, please direct message President Pro-Tempore Granados (on Groupme) your favorite fruit!

F. Dr. Richard Rupp, Faculty Advisor

1. Recommends reconsidering the 7:30am meeting on a Saturday as members need to recover from the week (Saturday and Sunday should be off the table)

2. Pool party details

V. Resolution Deadline (15 minutes)

A. Discussion

1. As of right now → 11:59am on Wednesday (final copy, which is approved by the CFO and PPT

2. At minimum, 2 resolution drafts should be sent back and forth before the final cop

B. Voting: not necessary

VI. Legislative Items

A. S.R. 21-02 Game and Pizza Night

a) One game night on each campus (mid-October) → provide pizza & snacks

b) Will not exceed $100 all together (money will be split based on RSVP

B. Vote on editing S.R. 21-02 from series of events to just one event

1. Motion: Senator Feliciano

2. Second: Senator Fus

3. Measure: Pass

a) 7 aye, 0 nay, 2 abs.

4. Motion to edit S.R. 21-02 from series of events to just one event passed.

C. Vote on editing point 1 on S.R. 21-02 to “ the Purdue University Northwest Student Senate has the authority to organize and moderate a Jackbox game and pizza night.”

1. Motion: Senator Methner

2. Second: Senator Edington

3. Measure Pass

a) 7 aye, 0 nay, 2 abs.

4. Motion to edit point 1 passed.

D. Vote to edit line 3 to “game night(s) shall be scheduled on October 19, 2021 from 4pm-8pm in Westville and October 21, 2021 from 4pm-8pm in Hammond.”

1. Motion: Senator Edington

2. Second: Senator Methner

3. Motion: Pass

a) 7 aye, 0 nay, 2 abs.

4. Motion to edit point 3 passed.

E. Vote on passing S.R. 21-02

1. Motion: Senator Yamat

2. Second: Senator Methner

3. Motion: Pass

M.G. M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.Fl. M.E. E.Fu. B.R. S.A.

Vote     Y      Y       Y      Y     Y       Y      Y       A      A

4. S.R. 21-02 passes.

VII. Current Items (5 minutes)

A. Halloween Party Collaboration

1. $24.99 for 5 trophies → ordered from Amazon

2. CFO Cook will obtain the SSF credit card to purchase the gift cards

a) As a note, gift cards cannot exceed $100

VIII. Added Business/Concerns (5 minutes per)

A. None

IX. Open Comments from the Dean of Students (5 minutes per)

A. None

X. Open Comments from the Student Body (5 minutes per)

A. None

XI. Open Comments from Student Senate (5 minutes per)

A. Decorating trees in between NILS and SULB (students could make the ornaments)

a. Possibly collaborate with the Black Student Union

b. iPad photo booth

c. Have to check availability for Westville

B. Speed dating update

a. Just PNW students or other people too?

XII. Meeting Adjourned (1 minute); Time: 08:33am

A. Motion: Senator Edington

B. Second: Senator Cook

C. Measure: Pass