SGA Senate Meeting Minutes January 21, 2022

January 21, 2022

Sixth Session

I. Call to Order, Roll Call (2 minutes); Time: 4:32 p.m.


  • President Oriana White
  • Vice President Megan Granados
  • Chief of Staff Aneri Patel
  • Faculty Advisor Dr. Richard Rupp
  • CHESS Senator (H) Emily Feliciano
  • CES Senator (H) Savannah Yamat
  • CES Senator (W) Mya Methner
  • CON Senator (H) Mason Cook
  • COT Senator (W) Braden Regier
  • COB Senator (H) Leo Winders
  • Honors College Senator (H) David Bolton
  • Honors College Senator (W) Saige Addison


  • Graduate Studies Senator (W) Daniel Gyekye

II. Approval of the Agenda (2 minutes)

A. Motion: Senator Bolton

B. Second: Senator Addison

C. Measure: Pass

III. Approval of Minutes (1 minute)

A. Motion: Senator Addison

B. Second: Senator Cook

C. Measure: Pass

IV. Executive Board (2 minutes per)

A. Oriana White, President

1. WebClock Check-In

a) So far, web clock-in is going well

b) If you forget to clock-in, go back and add it in

c) After the month passes, talk to President White about missing a clock-in

2. Founders Day

a) Date: March 4th

b) President White and Vice President Granados will be presenting the Outstanding Student awards

3. Science Olympiad

a) Opportunity for outreach hours

b) Talk to Dr. Vanessa Quinn or Brooke Hewson if you have any questions

c) Date and Time: February 26 @6am – 7pm

B. Megan Granados, Vice President

1. December Outreach Hours Overview

a) Thank you for coming to the events

b) Please volunteers and help at fellow Senators events

c) Overall, great job during December

2. Multicultural Lounge Meetings

a) Meeting minutes are in the drive

b) Meetings will be held every other week

c) Next meeting is February 2nd @2pm – 3pm

3. House of Representatives

a) Meeting will be held January 26th @5pm-6pm

b) Registered student organizations can send student representatives

c) 1 hour of outreach hours for Senators to send House of Representatives email to their organizations by Monday, January 24th

(1) Work with your counterparts

d) Senators can’t be representatives

C. Aneri Patel, Chief of Staff

1. Elections Email

a) SGA elections are active and are due on February 18th

b) Please send an email out to your colleges for 0.5 hours of outreach

c) Email has to be sent out by January 28th and please CC Chief of Staff Patel on it

2. Attendance

a) Only 3 in-person misses are allowed this semester (includes zoom)

D. Mya Methner, President Pro-Tempore

1. Resolution Protocol

a) Room reservations should be made at least 2 weeks in advance

b) Forward room reservation confirmations to President Pro-Tempore Methner

c) Work with Chief Financial Officer Cook and President Pro-Tempore Methner

d) Look in the shared drive for more detailed information

E. Mason Cook, Chief Financial Officer

1. Budget Review

a) Budget for the rest of the semester = $945

F. Dr. Richard Rupp, Faculty Advisor

1. If any members are involved in planning for Homecoming, please reach out to Dr. Rupp for the radio

G. Dr. Colin Fewer, Dean of Students

1. Black History Month → please come up and send any initiatives

V. Legislative Items (10 minutes per)

A. S.R. 21-10 Traffic Light Event

1. $300 requested for collaboration with Student Life

a) $200 for DJ and $100 for extra items such as glow sticks

2. If you say yes to passing the resolution, you have to participate in the event

3. Dance is on February 11th @7pm-10pm in Alumni Hall

4. Vote on: S.R. 21-10

5. Motion: Senator Bolton

6. Measure: Pass

M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.F. L.W. B.R. S.A. D.G. D.B.

Vote    Y       Y       Y     Y     Y      Y     Y      A       Y

7. S.R. 21-10 passes.

VI. Event Overview (3 minutes per)

A. Holiday Wishes Act

1. Good turnout at both Hammond and Westville

2. De-stressing event with holiday music

3. For the future, better planning to have the event in a public space

B. Cram Jam

1. Went well at Westville and snacks were all out

C. Gift Exchange

1. Went okay, may want to place a cap on how many events run at the same time/day

VII. Current Items (3 minutes per)

A. Spirit Week

1. Working on sending promotional material

2. Specific days are in the shared drive

B. Free Textbook Library

1. There is already a free library in the PNW library but not much traction there

2. Any student that need books that are needed for this semester probably already have them

3. Best to add to the existing free library

VIII. Added Business/Concerns (5 minutes per)

A. None

IX. Open Comments from the Student Senate (5 minutes per)

A. May visit Indianapolis Statehouse during Spring break (needs to be during session)

B. Dr. Rupp has connections and will help

X. Open Comments from Student Body (5 minutes per)

A. None

XI. Meeting Adjourned (1 minute); Time: 5:06pm

A. Motion: Senator Addison

B. Second: Senator Bolton

C. Measure: Pass