Studying abroad can be affordable with scholarships, financial aid and other resources!
We know that funding study-away is a top concern for students and families. Some programs may cost less than a semester at PNW. Explore the available funding resources for students seeking an education abroad experience!
External Scholarships
PNW students may be eligible for outside scholarships to defray their study away program costs. Below are a couple of well-known scholarships for which we can provide advice. Make sure to do your own research online for other opportunities!
Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship
A program of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and an excellent opportunity for students who receive a Pell Grant. The Office of International Programs and Partnerships can provide advising and application coaching on this scholarship.
Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships
The Fund for Education Abroad features several scholarship opportunities for study abroad programs.
Financial Aid
You may receive federal aid for a study abroad program if you meet the aid eligibility criteria. To determine which types of aid you’ll be able to use for your study abroad program, contact: