Zig Zag Goldenrod

Zig-Zag Goldenrod plantSedum ternatum


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Zig Zag Goldenrod gets its name from the way that its stems “zig zag” from leaf to leaf.   These leaves are bluntly toothed all along the stem with the middle leaves usually the largest at 6″ long and 4″ wide. The small flowers appear from late summer to early fall in a cluster near the top of the plant.  Zig Zag Goldenrod can be aggressive and, therefore, may not be suitable for small woodland gardens. 
Whatever your preference or situation may be, there is a goldenrod to suit all occasions. Sadly, goldenrods often get blamed for causing the dreaded hayfever. This is simply not true. Their pollen is large and sticky to better adhere to the visiting insects’ body. Because of this, goldenrod pollen cannot become airborne and can never make its way into your sinuses. The true cause of hayfever is the wind pollinated ragweeds, which broadcast copious amounts of lightweight pollen into the air.

We cannot stress enough how important goldenrods are on the landscape. Including them in your property will provide ecosystem services well into the fall when most other plant life is shutting down. 

Life Cycle


Sun Exposure

Partial, Shade

Soil Moisture

Medium-Wet, Medium, Medium-Dry


3 Feet

Bloom Time

August, September, October

Bloom Color
