Annual Reminder Regarding Authorization to Execute Contracts and Incur Financial Obligations

September 15, 2023
A building on PNW's campus

Please be advised the Purdue University Board of Trustees bylaws require all contracts and written instruments imposing financial obligations on behalf of the university be approved by the Treasurer or a person duly authorized by the Treasurer.

At Purdue Northwest, the Treasurer has delegated approval authority to the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business Services. It is important to note the university may only be bound by agreements entered into by those authorized and that contractual or other financial obligations not approved by the Treasurer or an official designee may become a personal financial obligation of the unauthorized signer.

Please submit proposed contracts to the Contract Office as listed below. Review and approval can typically be completed within ten business days. Additional review time may be required if a proposed agreement is in excess of $250,000, if it includes complex terms, or if it presents significant risks.

The procurement of goods and services is also governed by both university policies and state law. If you need to issue a purchase order over $10,000, have procurement questions, or need to prepar


Donna Adelsperger

Phone Extension – 2436


Jennifer Hupke

Phone Extension – 2593