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Due to extreme weather conditions, both Purdue University Northwest campuses at Hammond and Westville will operate remotely on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Classes will be held virtually. Students should check Brightspace for information from their instructors. Faculty and staff who can work remotely should do so.
See Additional DetailsJoin us for an insightful pre-election discussion featuring a panel of Purdue Northwest experts who will break down the pressing topics, challenges and decisions that could shape the future of our country.
Join us to meet faculty and current students, learn about the MS and PsyD programs, and get your questions answered.
Join us to meet faculty and current students, learn about the MS and PsyD programs, and get your questions answered.
The Department of Communication & Creative Arts presents a lecture by Cheryl Johnson, the Executive Director of People for Community Recovery.
A career fair for students and alumni of Purdue University Northwest that are seeking full time employment and internships across all industries and academic majors.
Indiana Association of Black Psychologists Student and Professional Receptions hosted by CHESS and the Psychology Department.
Priority Registration for Spring 2025 begins October 28. Register promptly for the best selection of course days and times.
Join us for a celebration of culture at Calaveras, Carnitas y Celebración!