Ashley Gomez

Community Service Vice Chair

Ashley Gomez


My name is Ashley Gomez. I am going into my senior year and I have been a part of the Honors College since my freshman year. I love the community and the opportunities that it presents for students to grow and learn both academically and professionally. I am majoring in Elementary Education with a concentration in special education.

This year, I am one of the two vice community service chairs and I am very excited to be a vice chair. I am also currently the president of PNW’s Spanish Club and co-president of PNW’s Aspiring Educators Club. I am the upperclassmen representative for the College of Education of the CHESS Student Advisory Board.

In addition to that, I will be mentoring the incoming Honors College students to help guide them during their first year. If you ever need anything, you can usually find me in the honors den or somewhere else on campus. I will always be happy to help in whatever way I can.

Ashley Gomez