New Textbook Program Fall 2023

Welcome back for fall semester 2023! Purdue Northwest is excited to share a new textbook program that begins this semester, providing all your textbooks and course materials through one flat fee. This convenient program is designed to ensure every PNW student has affordable access to all your required course materials as you start your classes.
As you are completing or have completed your registration for fall 2023 courses, your PNW bill for tuition and fees for fall 2023 includes a textbook fee listed as “Instructional Materials Access.” This charge is a flat rate of $299 for the fall 2023 semester, and is eligible to be covered by financial aid. With this flat rate payment you now have all your required course materials automatically available to you as you begin the semester. There is no need to shop around for the best prices on your textbooks!
For all the details about the program and answers to frequently asked questions, please visit the Instructional Materials Access webpage.
Digital Course Materials
With the new textbook program many course materials will be delivered in digital format through Brightspace. If you are receiving digital course materials, go to your course in Brightspace, click on the Instructional Materials Access link, and this will allow you to view the Brytewave by Redshelf “bookshelf.” You can find a guide to accessing your digital textbooks and materials in the Frequently Asked Questions section on the website.
Physical Course Materials
If you are receiving books or other print materials, you will receive an email confirming that your materials are ready for pickup. To collect your course materials, please bring your Student ID to the online order pickup area at the PNW Bookstore located on the first floor of the Student Union and Library Building (SUL) in Hammond or to the Welcome Center (DSAC 1114) in the Dworkin Student Services and Activities Complex in Westville.
If you have questions about the program, contact the PNW Bookstore at or (219) 844-1081.
Option to Opt-Out of Instructional Materials Access
While PNW has chosen to include all courses in this new program and we believe the flat rate can save you money, you have the choice to opt-out of the program by the last date to drop a course with a refund. For Fall 2023, this date is Sept. 18, 2023. Additional information on how to opt-out has been emailed to your student PNW email account by Follett, our partner in this program.
Once you opt-out your decision will be final for that semester, and you will be responsible for finding and purchasing all your required course materials on your own. If you are registered for fall 2023 classes and you have not yet seen an email about opting out, please be sure to check your “Junk Email” folder in your PNW email account.
Please note that all students will be automatically enrolled in this new affordable and convenient textbook program each semester. If you determine you would prefer to opt-out for that semester, you can take that action through Follett. If you feel you have opted out in error, or if you cannot find the information sent by Follett to opt-out, please contact the Bursar’s Office at or (219) 989-2560.
PNW is pleased to offer this innovative, time-saving and cost-effective textbook program to our students.