Maged Mikhail, Ph.D.
Department Chair, Engineering Technology
Associate Professor, Mechatronics Engineering Technology

Maged Mikhail joined PNW in 2015 as an assistant professor of mechatronics engineering technology where he teaches undergraduate and graduate students and supervises their research projects.
Research Overview
Mikhail’s research is focusing on control automation and robotics. He aspires to develop a robotics and automation research area to advise graduate and undergraduate students and to collaborate with industry, scientists and researchers both inside and outside of the department. He is also conducting research on physical and cyber-security for advanced manufacturing systems.
I enjoy playing soccer, walking, hands-on activities and traveling.
Select Publications
Mikhail, M, (2019), Final Phase of Design, Test, and Evaluation of a Portable Programmable Logic Controller Trainer, Proceedings of the 2019 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, June 16-19, Tampa, FL
Mikhail, M and Wickrema, C. (2019). Developing Dynamic Navigation Software for a Laser Guided Autonomous Mobile Robot, Presented at IEEE Southeast Con-17, April 10-April 13, Huntsville, AL. URL:
Mikhail, M. (2019). Advanced Signal Processing for Decision Making and Decision-Fusion Software Systems for Aircraft Structural Health Monitoring, Presented at IEEE Southeast Con-17, April 10-April 13, Huntsville, AL. URL:
Teaching Focus
Mikhail is teaching most of mechatronics courses including: programmable logic controller, programming industrial robot, robotic system integration, vision system AC/DC circuits, special topics in mechatronics and programming mobile robots.
Previous Roles
Previously, he taught in Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN, and Tennessee State University (TSU). He also worked on research projects for the U.S. Air force (Dayton, OH), as well as for Boeing at TSU.

Lionhearted Leaders: Maged Mikhail
Professor Mikhail’s enjoys helping, challenging, motivating, and working with students in the area of automation, manufacturing, and robotics.