Public Records Request

PNW’s Public Records Office reviews all requests for access to public records and facilitates the response to public records requests.

Submit a Public Records Request Form

What is a Public Record?

  • Any writing, paper, report, study, map, photograph, book, card, tape recording, or other material that is created, received, retained, maintained, or filed by or with a public agency.
  • This includes any record generated on paper, paper substitutes, photographic media, magnetic or machine readable media, or any other material, regardless of form or characteristics, including email, voicemail, databases, instant messaging and text messages.

See the Public Records policy

Procedure for Responding to Requests

If someone contacts you or your department to request access to any record:

  • Clearly state that you have no authority to receive, grant, or deny any request for access.
  • Instruct them to contact the Public Records Office at (219) 989-2232, Lawshe Hall, Room 336.
  • You may ask them to complete a Request for Public Record form below and have them forward it to the Public Records Office.