Support the 2023 IS Scavenger Hunt

You’re invited to encourage our students to play the IS Scavenger Hunt 2023!
Information Services is sponsoring the third IS Scavenger Hunt for students this fall. The contest begins Tuesday, August 8 at New Student Orientations and ends on Sunday, September 10 at midnight. Six iPad Air winners will be announced on the PNW mobile app, MyPNW, and the PNW website no later than Tuesday, September 12.
Students participate in the scavenger hunt by completing clues to educate themselves about a variety of services, interesting places on campus, online resources, etc. Each clue submitted enters their name in the drawing, up to the maximum number of clues, which is 66. Additionally, students are encouraged to post clues to social media.
Students will use the MyPNWLife (CampusGroups) app to complete the scavenger hunt this year.
During New Student Orientations, Welcome Week and the days leading up to Sunday, September 10, be on the lookout for students taking selfies all over both of our campuses! Faculty can support PNW students by announcing the IS Scavenger Hunt 2023 in class and encouraging students to participate. One of the clues is “take a selfie with a faculty member” so maybe volunteer yourself for a selfie with your students! Another clue is “take a selfie with a staff member;” it may be you, so be ready with a big smile!
Thank you for all you do to make PNW a great community!