Day of Giving – Saiber Shaikh

April 14, 2021
Saiber Shaikh is pictured.

On April 28, members of the PNW community will virtually come together for #PNWDayofGiving​ to help students, like Saiber Shaikh, Power Onward at Purdue Northwest.

We come together once more to support our students by helping them build meaningful connections, pursue their passions through strong academic programming and provide them with emergency assistance when needed.

PNW students have pushed forward through trying times with resilience and resolve, defied the odds and come through with renewed confidence and boldness. This next generation of forward-thinking leaders has shown us what it truly means to Power Onward.

Learn More About Day Of Giving

I just want to say thank you - your donations and the support you provide really helps all of us get closer to our dreams.

Saiber Shaikh