- This event has passed.
2025 Chancellor’s Cup Challenge
January 27 - January 30
Get your food pantry donations ready for the 2025 Chancellor’s Challenge!
We are moving this challenge back to the spring semester, where it will stay moving forward! This year’s challenge will run from January 27 through January 30.
We are hoping to get OVER last year’s mark of 3.5 TONS donated to the Pantry!!!
Every item donated has a point value from 1 to 10 points. These points will vary from year to year depending on the needs of the food pantry.
The winners of the Chancellor’s Challenge will be announced at the Mane Event on Thursday, January 30.
We appreciate all your support for the PNW Food Pantry!
Questions? Please contact Scott Iverson or Sal Cordova.

Chancellor Holford awarded the PNW Student Athlete Advisory Committee the first-place trophy in the ‘Student Organization’ category of the 2024 Chancellor’s Cup challenge.
Food Items
This year those assigned point totals are:
- Cereal – Full Size Boxes 10
- Dry Pasta – 2 (Receive 2 bonus points if it includes pasta sauce*)
- Pasta Sauce – 2 (Receive 2 bonus points if it includes dry pasta*)
- Peanut Butter – 2 (Receive 2 bonus points if it includes jelly*)
- Jelly – 2 (Receive 2 bonus points if it includes peanut butter*)
- Canned Chicken or SPAM – 6
- Bisquick or Generic Alternative – 6
- Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables or Canned soup – 4
- Rice – 4
- Rice Mix – 2
- Other Pantry Items
- Menstrual Products – 6
- Can Openers – 2
- All other Items** – 1
*Participants will be awarded two (2) bonus points for bringing in Dry Pasta and Pasta Sauce Together and/or Peanut Butter and Jelly together.
**Ramen and other items that come in boxes should not be separated and will count as 1 point per box rather than 1 point per single serving. Loose ramen or other items that would normally be boxed (while appreciated) will be worth 0 points. Mac and Cheese is not considered dry pasta by our pantry and will count as 1 point.
Dropping Items Off
Drop-off locations are:
- Hammond: Student Union Library Building (SULB) 307
- Westville: Dworkin Center (DSAC) 1021
Each location will either have volunteers or instructions to facilitate your drop off.
Drop off times will be as follows from January 27 – 30:
- Monday through Wednesday – 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Thursday – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
If these drop off times do not work for you, please contact Sal Cordova.
Faculty and Staff – Most Donated Items
- Each team must donate at least 20 of every item listed on the first page in order to be considered the overall winner.
Faculty and Staff – Overall
- The scoring system for the Faculty and Staff overall award will take the points accumulated for each team divided by the number of faculty and staff in each area. (Traditional Scoring Method)
Faculty and Staff Teams
- Honors College/University College
- College of Technology
- College of Engineering and Sciences
- College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
- College of Business
- College of Nursing
- Provost/Academic Affairs
- Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
- Institutional Advancement
- Finance and Administration
- Purdue IT @ PNW
- Chancellor’s Office/Athletics
Student Teams
- Student Organizations will compete against each other.
- The highest total amount of points wins.
- NEW THIS YEAR: Individual students can compete by bringing items to the drop off points.
- Individual student who brings in the most donations by points will win this category.
To request a disability-related accommodation, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity at oie@pnw.edu or (219) 989-2163 five days prior to the event.