
Book cover: Building Genuine Trade Unionism in the Philippines, 1980-1994

Building Genuine Trade Unionism in the Philippines, 1980-1994

(Available on-line for free; see
details below.)


Book Cover: AFL-CIO's Secret War Against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage? (2010)

AFL-CIO’s Secret War Against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage? (2010)

Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization (2016)

Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization (2016)


Book Cover: KMU: Building Global Labor Solidarity: Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States (2021)

KMU: Building Global Labor Solidarity: Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States (2021)


NOTE:  As of June 1, 2021, thanks to Susan D. Anderson, and with the permission of New Day Publishers, the ENTIRE text to my 1996 book on the KMU is now available on-line for free.

For a more recent article on the KMU–based on research done in 2015–see my “Another Type of Trade Unionism IS Possible:  The KMU Labor Center and Social Movement Unionism.”


PublicationsLast updated:  February 5, 2025.

I recently updated, cleaned-up and reorganized my on-line Contemporary Labor Issues Bibliography, a project I have been working on for years. If you are interested in labor, in the US or around the world, you should check this out!

[All links for this web page were checked on August 5, 2023, and, unless indicated otherwise, should take you to the original article: click on underlined item. If they are not underlined, or listed “no longer available,” then they are not available on-line, although you may find a particular article by putting the title in quotes into Google, and seeing if it is available on some other web site. This may not work, but it’s always worth a try!]

This page is divided into three parts, first listing radio/TV interviews related to Professor Scipes’ work, and then listing publications in reverse chronological order, from most recent to earlier, and then by subject.

  • Most recent publications are listed by reversed date of publication, with the most recent listed first, and going back to Fall 2004, when Dr. Scipes began teaching at Purdue University North Central (renamed in July 2016 as Purdue University Northwest).
  • An overview of Dr. Scipes’ publications–by subject–where they are located by subject category and listed within each by date, with most recent first (and covering all of Dr. Scipes’ publications since 1984). Dr. Scipes has published over 275 articles and book reviews since 1984.

— January 29, 2025.  “A LaPorte County Life in the Spotlight:  Dr. Kim Scipes.”  An interview by Caitlyn Kingery.

— January 14, 2025.  “Ask the Experts,” Dr. Kim Scipes responding independently as an “Expert” to issues raised in Adam McCann, WalletHub Financial Writer’s January 14 article, “States That Have Made the Most Racial Progress.”  This report was published in truncated form as Cheyanne M. Daniels, “Texas Ranks No. 1 in Racial Progress:  Report” on the same day in “The Hill,” a newsmagazine about policy, politics and electoral campaigns.

— November 1, 2022. “Dr. Kim Scipes:  Building a Network of Compassion in a World Waiting to be United” by Kayla Vasilko.” Purdue Journal of Service-Learning and International Engagement, 2022, Vol. 9, Issue 1.

—  October 20, 2022.  “Kim Scipes: ‘Fighting for a Better World‘ by Edmund Lawler.”  The Beacher, Michigan City, Indiana.

—   April 19, 2022.  “US Labor Imperialism and the AFL-CIO.”  Talk recorded on April 10 for the Initial Conference, Labor Education Project on AFL-CIO International Operations, Washington, DC (via Zoom).  On-line at

—    February 4, 2022.  “Rob McKenzie, Patrick Dunne, and Kim Scipes at the February meeting of the International Committee” of the Professional Staff Congress (union) of the City University of New York.  Scipes talked about the current foreign operations of the AFL-CIO after McKenzie and Dunne talked about their new book, El Golpe:  US Labor, the CIA, and the Coup at Ford in Mexico (London: Pluto Press, 2022).  On-line at

—          December 6, 2021.  “AFL-CIO’s ‘Solidarity Center,” a Tool of US Imperialism?”  Interview on program “COVID, Race and Democracy,” KPFK Radio.  On-line at

—    September 10, 2021.  “Work Week Radio.”  “US Labor Imperialism, the CIA, NED, ‘Solidarity Center’, Afghanistan and the AFL-CIO with Kim Scipes.”

—    August 18, 2021. “Labor Express” Radio Program: “Critically Evaluating the Work of the Late AFL-CIO President, Richard Trumka, One Week after his Death.”  Interview by Jerry Mead-Lucero.

—    May 2, 2021.  Spoke at a meeting of Oasis in Kansas City on “Taking a New Look at Globalization:  Seeing a New Global Movement Emerging ‘from below’.”

—    April 8, 2021.  Representing the Editorial Board of Green Social Thought, Kim spoke to a national webinar sponsored by the Green Party of Missouri called “Remove Pesticides from Our Public Spaces.”  He spoke specifically on Herbicides as Tools of War.”

—    April 1, 2021.  “Work Week Radio, “AFL-CIO, NED, and US Labor Imperialism w/Professor Kim Scipes.”  Interview by Steve Zeltzer:

—    August 18, 2021. “Labor Express” Radio Program: “Critically Evaluating the Work of the Late AFL-CIO President, Richard Trumka, One Week after his Death.”  Interview by Jerry Mead-Lucero.

—    April 1, 2021.  “Work Week Radio,” “AFL-CIO, NED, and US Labor Imperialism with Professor Kim Scipes.”  Interview by Steve Zeltzer:

—    January 11, 2021.  Politics-Art-Roots-Culture (PARC) Media, “Kim Scipes on Building Global Labor Solidarity, the Philippines, South Africa, and the United States.”  Interview by Vince Emanuele.  On-line at

—    November 1, 2018.  “Roundtable Perspective” of Purdue University Northwest:  “The Roundtable Perspective with Dr. Kim Scipes.”  Interview by Dr. Lee Artz.  On-line at

—    June 6, 2016.  “Mediations and Molotovs.”  “Kim Scipes on Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization.”  Interview by Vince Emanuele.  On-line at

—    April 13, 2012.  Radio4All.  “Kim Scipes on AFL-CIO’s Role in the 2002 Venezuelan Coup Attempt.”  Recorded by Dale Lehman.  On-line at

—    April 13, 2012.  Labor Video Project.  “Kim Scipes on the AFL-CIO’s Secret War against Developing Country Workers:  Solidarity or Sabotage?” Interview by Steve Zeltzer.  On-line at

—          July 16, 2005.  Democracy Now!  “Unholy Alliance?  The AFL-CIO and the National Endowment for Democracy in Venezuela.”  Interview by Amy Goodman. On-line at

Since 1984, I have written and been published on a wide number of subjects–as of this date, I have published over 275 separate articles and book reviews, including peer-reviewed articles, and four books.

My academic work is divided into books, Ph.D. dissertation, peer-reviewed academic articles, and book/movie reviews.

My articles that have been published in specialty and serious popular publications–in hard copy, in hard copy and on web sites, and sometimes only on a web site–are listed by Subject: Miscellaneous Publications; Chicago; International Political Economy; Neoliberal Economic Policies around the Globe; Environmental/Ecological Politics; Urban Politics; Media; Social Movements; War/Military/Empire; Philippines; Venezuela; Labor Theory; Building Grassroots Labor Internationalism; International Labor (not Philippines ; US Labor (not including AFL-CIO Foreign Operations); and AFL-CIO Foreign Operations. (With the broad exception of book/movie reviews, there is little overlap of the articles in the above-listed categories–and, whenever possible, electronic links to articles are provided.)

However, I later created a new category, Neo-liberal Economic Policies around the Globe, to bring together my writings on this subject from the Philippines, South Africa, Venezuela and the United States (from different categories)–each based on personal field research.

  • **  2021.  Building Global Labor Solidarity:  Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe and the United States.  Lanham, MD:  Lexington Books, 292pp.
  • ** 2016. Editor, Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization. Chicago: Haymarket Books. [Excellent review of this book by Nelson Bass in peer-reviewed journal Race, Class and Corporate Power (April 2017).]
  • ** 2010. AFL-CIO’s Secret War against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage? Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 276pp.
  • 1996. KMU: Building Genuine Trade Unionism in the Philippines, 1980-1994. Quezon City, Metro Manila: New Day Publishers, 316pp.  NOTE:  As of June 1, 2021, the ENTIRE copy of this book has been posted on-line for free:

Ph.D. Dissertation

  • 2003. “Trade Union Development And Racial Oppression In Chicago’s Steel And Meatpacking Industries, 1933-1955.” Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago, 427 pp.
  • 2018.  “Taking Power at the Municipal Level: A Review Essay, Reviewing Steve Early’s Refinery Town:  Big Oil, Big Money, and the Remaking of an American City and Gayle McLaughlin’s Winning Richmond:  How a Progressive Alliance Won City Hall.”  Z Net, May 14.
  • ++  2008.  “Book Review:  Electoral Politics is Not Enough:  Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Urban Politics by Peter F. Burns.”  Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 3: 353-354.
  • ++  2006.  “Book Review:  The Cost of Being Poor:  A Comparative Study of Life in Poor Urban Neighborhoods in Gary, Indiana by Sandra L. Barnes.”  Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol. 28, No. 2: 197-199.
  • 2003.  “Opinion:  NIRPC [Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission] Must Change Course To Be A True Leader.”  (Gary, IN) Post-Tribune, June 12: B-11.
  • 1991.  “Conditions in an American City:  Oakland, California.”  Scholas Issues [Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, No. 1, January:  8-16.
  • **  2018.  “Another Type of Trade Unionism IS Possible:  The KMU Labor Center of the Philippines and Social Movement Unionism.”  Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 21, No. 3, September: 349-367.
  • **  2018.  “Disaster Management in the Philippines” in Robin Andersen and Purnaka L. de Silva, eds.  The Routledge Companion to Media and Humanitarian Action.  New York and London: Routledge:  321-328.  On-line at
  • 2018.  “I Read the News Today, Oh Boy! Observations from a Week in the Philippines, July 21-27, 2018, and Possible Ramifications.” Z Net, August 4.
  • 2015.  “Peter Waterman’s Recent Attack on the KMU of the Philippines, and My Work, is Scurrilous:  Kim Scipes Responds to Unpincipled and Inaccurate Attack.”, November 12.
  • 2015.  “Celebrating May Day–KMU Style.”, October 8.
  • **   2014. “Building Global Labor Solidarity Today: Learning from the KMU of the Philippines.” Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 2, No. 2.  Republished in Kim Scipes, ed., Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization (Chicago:  Haymarket Books, 2016: 139-152.)
  • 2001.  “Round Two: People’s Power in the Philippines Removes Another President.”  Z Net Daily [e-mail] Commentary, Z Magazine, January 25.
  • 2000.  “Communicating Labor Internationalism:  The KMU’s ‘International Solidarity Affair’.”  January 3.  Republished in Kim Scipes, Building Global Labor Solidarity:  Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States (Lanham, MD:  Lexington Books: 205-229).
  • 1999/2000.“Review of the Month:  Global Economic Crisis, Neoliberal Solutions, and the Philippines.”  Monthly Review, Vol. 51, No. 7, December 1999: 1-14.  [This article, with minimal editing, was republished as “Detrimental Development:  The Global Economic Crisis and the Philippines.”  Indicator South Africa:  The Barometer of Social Trends [University of Natal, Durban], Vol. 17, No. 1, March 2000: 87-90.].  Republished in Kim Scipes, Building Global Labor Solidarity:  Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States (Lanham, MD:  Lexington Books: 119-129).
  • 1996.  KMU:  Building Genuine Trade Unionism in the Philippines, 1980-1994.  Quezon City, Metro Manila:  New Day Publishers, 316pp.  As of June 1, 2021, the ENTIRE manuscript has been posted on-line for free:
  • 1993.  “Radical Labor in the Time of Marcos and Aquino:  The Development of the Kilusang Mayo Uno.”  Solidarity [Solidaridad Publications, Manila], No. 139-140, July-December: 35-68.
  • 1990.  “Three Weeks with the KMU in the Philippines.”  Workers’ Democracy, No. 36, September-October:  1-7.
  • 1990  “Learning from the KMU:  Alliance Building” in Don Fitz and David Roediger, editors, Within the Shell of the Old:  Essays on Workers’ Self Organization.  Chicago:  Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company: 81-88.  Republished in Kim Scipes, Building Global Labor Solidarity:  Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States (Lanham, MD:  Lexington Books: 161-169).
  • 1990.  “Interview with Cleofe Zapanta, Secretary General of the KMK [women workers organization] of the Philippines.”  Z Magazine, May: 105-107.
  • 1990.  “The Philippines:  Aquino’s Total War and the KMU.”  Z Magazine, January: 116-121.
  • 1989.  “The AFL-CIO Meddles in the Philippines.”  The Progressive [Madison], November: 33.
  • 1989.  “KMU won over TUCP in Atlas Mine.”  The Workers’ Voice, Vol. II, No. 2, October 15-November 15: 3-4, 11.
  • 1989.  “Aquino’s War Against Labor.”  The Workers’ Voice [Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines],  Vol. I, No. 9, April: 1, 3, 5, 7-8,  and Agong International [Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines], April-June: 15-18.
  • 1989.  “International Union of Food Workers Expels Philippine Affiliate.”  Labor Notes, April:  12.
  • 1989.  “IUF Expels Philippine Workers.”  The Workers’ Voice, Vol. I, No. 9, April: 6.
  • 1988.  “Learning from the KMU:  Alliance Building.”  Workers’ Democracy, No. 28 (Conference on WSO, Second Issue): 8-12.  Republished in Kim Scipes, Building Global Labor Solidarity:  Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States (Lanham, MD:  Lexington Books: 161-169).
  • 1987.  “KMU:  Building Rank and File Unionism in the Philippines.”  ideas and action [San Francisco], No. 8, Spring: 12-15.  Republished in Kim Scipes, Building Global Labor Solidarity:  Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States (Lanham, MD:  Lexington Books: 145-159).
  • 1986.  “Trade Union Education in the Philippines:  Its Role in the National Liberation Struggle.”   Trade Union Studies Journal  [London, England], No. 13, Summer: 18-19.
  • 1986.  “The Labor Movement in the Philippines.”  Labor Notes,  April: 8-9, 13.
  • 2022.  “The Union Makes Us Strong:  Understanding Trade Unionism in a Global Context.” Z Net, December 1.
  • **  2021.    Building Global Labor Solidarity:  Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe and the United States. Lanham, MD:  Lexington Books.
  • **  2018.  “Another Type of Trade Unionism IS Possible:  The KMU Labor Center of the Philippines and Social Movement Unionism.”  Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 21, No. 3, September: 349-367.
  • 2016.  “Social Justice Unionism vs. Contract Unionism-again.”  Substance News, July 8.
  • **   2016.  “Multiple Fragments–Strength or Weakness?  Theorizing Global Labor Solidarity” in Kim Scipes, ed., Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization.  Chicago:  Haymarket Books, 2016: 23-48.  (You can download it at–Strengths_or_Weaknesses_Theorizing_Global_Labor_Solidarity .)
  • 2015.  “Social Justice Unionism vs. Contract Unionism:  A False Dichotomy.”  Substance News, October 19.
  • **  2014.  “Social Movement Unionism or Social Justice Unionism?  Disentangling Theoretical Confusion with the Global Labor Movement.”  Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 2, Issue 3, Article 9.  Republished in Kim Scipes, Building Global Labor Solidarity:  Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States (Lanham, MD:  Lexington Books: 231-262).
  • ** 2010. “Why Labor Imperialism? AFL-CIO’s Foreign Policy Leaders and the Developing World.” Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 13, No. 4, December: 465-479.
  • 2008. “Wage Labor.”  The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World, edited by Peter N. Stearns.  New York and Oxford:  Oxford University Press, Vol. 7: 521-524.
  • 2001. “Social Movement Unionism:  Can We Apply the Theoretical Conceptualization to the New Unions in South Africa–And Beyond?”  LabourNet Germany, June 5.  [Posted on-line in English with incorrect date (2003).]  Republished in Kim Scipes, Building Global Labor Solidarity:  Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States (Lanham, MD:  Lexington Books: 173-203).
  • 2000.  “Social Movement Unionism:  A Call for Theoretical Clarification.”  Comparative Labour Movements Research Committee (RC44) Newsletter [Johannesburg],  International Sociological Association, December: 6.
  • 1992.  “Understanding the New Labor Movements in the ‘Third World’:  The Emergence of Social Movement Unionism, A New Type of Trade Unionism.”  Critical Sociology, Vol. 19, No. 2: 81-101.
  • 1992.  “Social Movement Unionism and the Kilusang Mayo Uno.”  Kasarinlan [Third World Studies Center, University of the Philippines], Vol. 7, Nos. 2-3 (4th Qtr. 1991-1st Qtr. 1992): 121-162.  [Was posted at both  (loads VERY slowly) and on-line in English by LabourNet Germany at].  Republished in Kim Scipes, Building Global Labor Solidarity:  Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States (Lanham, MD:  Lexington Books: 101-117 and 131-143).
  • 2024.  “Review Essay—Blue Collar Empire: The Untold Story of US Labor’s Global Anticommunist Crusade by Jeff Schuhrke.”  Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 12, Issue 2, Article 2, October 22.
  • ** 2024.  “Building Global Labor Solidarity:  Where We Are Today (Early 2024).”  Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 12, Issue 1, Article 3 (April).
  • “The International Trade Union Movement: Where It’s Been, Where It’s Going.”  Solicited article for special issue on “The International Trade Union Movement:  Past, Present, Future.” International Union Rights, Trade Union Centre of London.  On-line at
  • 2022.  “The Union Makes Us Strong:  Understanding Trade Unionism in a Global Context.” Z Net, December 1.
  • 2022.  “Labor Activists Launch New Organization to Challenge AFL-CIO Foreign Policy.” Covert Action Magazine, June 3.
  • ++ 2021.  “Review of Peter Cole’s Dockworker Power:  Race and Activism in Durban and the San Francisco Bay Area.”  Journal of Comparative Sociology, Vol. 62, No. 2 (April): 171-173.  On-line at
  • ** 2024.  “Building Global Labor Solidarity:  Where We Are Today (Early 2024).”  Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 12, Issue 1, Article 3 (April).
  • 2022.  “‘As Workers Win Victories in Mexico, It’s Important to Remember Past Machinations Against Them’:  A Review of El Golpe:  US Labor, the CIA, and the Coup at Ford in Mexico by Rob McKenzie (with Patrick Dunne).  February 28.  On-line at
  • 2021.   “Review of Dying for an iPhone:  Apple, Foxconn and the Lives of China’s Workers by Jenny Chan, Mark Selden and Pun Ngai.  Counterpunch, September 29.  On-line at
  • **  2020.  “Innovations in Labor Studies–Incorporating Global Perspectives:  From Exhortation to Making It Real.”  Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 8, No. 1, Art. 1. On-line at .
  • ++2020.  “Mass Strikes and Social Movements in Brazil and India:  Popular Mobilization in the Long Depression” by Jörg Nowak (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019):  A Review Essay.”  Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 8, No. 1, Art. 2.  On-line at .
  • ++ 2019.  Labour Internationalism in the Global South:  The SIGTUR Initiative by Robert O’Brien:  A Review Essay.”  Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 22, No. 4: 920-925.
  • ++ 2016.  “Review of Southern Insurgency:  The Coming of the Global Working Class by Immanuel Ness.”  Global Labour Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, May: 214-216.
  • ++  2013.  “Book Review:  Rise and Decline of Brazil’s New Unionism:  The Politics of the Central Unica dos Trabalhadores by Jeffrey Sluyter-Beltrao.”  Working USA, Vol. 16, No. 3, September: 442-444.
  • 2010.  “Book Review:  Transition from Below:  Forging Trade Unionism and Workplace Change in South Africa by Karl von Holdt.”  In Critical Solidarity [Newsletter of the Labor and Labor Movements Section of the American Sociological Association], Vol. 10, No. 1, August: 7-9.
  • 2004.  “Book Review:  Hidden Knowledge:  Organized Labor and the Information Age by D.W. Livingstone and Peter H. Sawchuk.” [Canadian workers.] Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 29, No.3, Fall: 119-120.
  • 2003.  Solicited “Book Review:  Made in Indonesia:  Indonesian Workers Since Suharto by Dan La Botz.  Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, Department des relations industrielles, Universite Laval (Quebec), Vol. 58, No. 4, Fall:  722-724.
  • 1984.  “British Printers Defy ‘Unjust’ Law, But Fail to Win Labor Federation’s Backing.”  Labor Notes, January: 10.