Support the Next Generation of Students

October 18, 2021
Dr. Maria O. Longas, Purdue University Northwest professor emerita of Chemistry, left a generous estate gift to the university to fund student scholarships.

Dr. Maria O. Longas, Purdue University Northwest professor emerita of Chemistry, left a generous estate gift to the university to fund student scholarships.

In 2017, while still an associate professor of chemistry at PNW, Maria O. Longas, Ph.D. committed to supporting the university and our students with a generous gift by creating the Dr. Maria O. Longas Scholarship. Longas was an advocate of women in the sciences and gender diversity on college campuses.

As many of you may know, Maria passed away earlier this year. The Dr. Maria O. Longas Scholarship will provide financial support to full-time PNW students based on academic strengths and financial needs with a preference given to women. Her gift of over $700,000 will allow many students to earn degrees that they might not have been able to afford.

To honor the life of Dr. Longas, we ask you to help the next generation of PNW students through a gift to the designation of your choosing.

Donate To The Fund

Kathryn Rowberg, associate professor of Chemistry, noted how memorable Longas was to PNW. Rowberg said, “She cared about the students she taught and her gift shows she cared about the students she won’t teach. Helping the next generation of students to achieve their goals and do great things in the world – this is her legacy.”

Thank you in advance for your support.

With gratitude,

Lisa J. Goodnight, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement
Chief of Staff to the Chancellor
Professor of Communication