Sinai Forum: American Reboot: An Idealist’s Guide To Getting Big Things Done with Will Hurd
Join the Sinai Forum at Purdue University Northwest for American Reboot: An Idealist's Guide To Getting Big Things Done with Will Hurd.
History Matters – Blood and Myth: Mythologizing Jack the Ripper
Join us for the next History Matters! Learn how Jack the Ripper became an element of myth instead of a historical figure.
Esports Arena Grand Opening – Westville Campus
The Purdue University Northwest Pride Athletics department hosts the Grand Opening of the state-of-the-art Esports Arena on the Westville Campus.
PNW Time Capsule Dedication Ceremony
Join PNW for the dedication of a time capsule to be opened 25 years from now!
Sinai Forum: A Look at the Geopolitical Landscape with General Petraeus
Join the Sinai Forum at Purdue University Northwest for A Look at the Geopolitical Landscape with Gen. David H. Petraeus, USA (Ret.).
Sinai Forum: An Afternoon with Rachel Barton Pine
Join the Sinai Forum at Purdue University Northwest for An Afternoon with Rachel Barton Pine.
Lunch and Lead Series: Adam O’Doherty
Save the date for a Lunch and Lead session with Adam O'Doherty, President and CEO of United Way of Northwest Indiana, on Tuesday, December 6!
PNW MLK Celebration featuring Carol Anderson
On Thursday, January 12 the PNW community is invited to come together to discuss, learn, and reflect on topics related to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Legacy.