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Student Life Featured
Latest Past Events
Intramural 8-Ball (Registration Deadline)
PNW Hammond, Fitness and Recreation Center (FRC) 2320 173rd St., HammondGather your friends and get ready to bump, set and spike your way to victory in the intramural 6-on-6 co-ed volleyball tournament!
Intramural 6-on-6 Co-ed Volleyball (Registration Deadline)
PNW Hammond, Fitness and Recreation Center (FRC) 2320 173rd St., HammondGather your friends and get ready to bump, set and spike your way to victory in the intramural 6-on-6 co-ed volleyball tournament!
Intramural Chess
PNW Hammond, Fitness and Recreation Center (FRC) 2320 173rd St., HammondThink you’ve got what it takes to outsmart the competition? Make your move and join the ultimate mind game in our Intramural Chess Tournament!