Graduate Research Awards
We offer the following Graduate Research Awards to support graduate students and fund their research.
Graduate Research Award Winners

Asma Albariqi
Asma Albariqi
Title: Examining Molecular Factors under Immune Challenge in Nicrophorus Orbicollis
Faculty Sponsor: Curtis Creighton

Brenda Babirye
Brenda Babirye
Title: Culture and Sexuality A Qualitative Exploration of the sex lives of East African women
Faculty Sponsor: Chris Belous
Jessica Benge
Title: The Sexual Interest Matrix
Faculty Sponsor: Chris Belous

Charlene Benoit
Charlene Benoit
Title: Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility’s Role in Innovation
Faculty Sponsor: Austin Hestdalen
Abishek Kolakotla
Title: Simulating Hydrogen Fuel Blends in Reheating Furnace
Faculty Sponsor: Chenn Zhou
Sathvika Kottapalli
Title: CFD Prediction and Validation of Refining Stage of Industry-Size EAF
Faculty Sponsor: Chenn Zhou

Rohit Kumar Reddy Kovvuri
Rohit Kumar Reddy Kovvuri
Title: Virtual Crane Training Simulation for Enhancing Safety and Training
Faculty Sponsor: Chenn Zhou

Theodore Mantis
Theodore Mantis
Title: Reproductive Success of Burying Beetle Nicrophorus Orbicollis at Different Temperature Regimes
Faculty Sponsor: Curtis Creighton

Olivia McLeod
Olivia McLeod
Title: Intimate Partnership and the Gender Spectrum: An analysis of gender exploration within queer relationships
Faculty Sponsor: Chris Belous

Umme Hani Mou
Umme Hani Mou
Title: Optimization of Transportation Costs in the retail grocery supply chain
Faculty Sponsor: Ali Alavizadeh
Sai Bhuvanesh Nandipati
Title: Centerline segregation in a cast slab
Faculty Sponsor: Chenn Zhou

Tejal Lalji Rangani
Tejal Lalji Rangani
Title: Exploring the Impact of Communication Strategies in Human Robot Ruthless Prioritization
Faculty Sponsor: Sayanti Roy
Barbara J. Nicolai
Title: The Relationship of Water Quality and Quantity as Discovered by Pattern and Predictability Analysis of the Lake Michigan Watershed
Faculty Sponsor: Ge Jin
Migdalia Santos
Title: Critical Consciousness: Combating Discriminatory Trauma’s Impact to Mental Health and Well-Being
Faculty Sponsor: Chris Belous
Sumendra B. Singh
Title: VisionIoT A Physics-based Machine Learning Model for Cyber Physical System (CPS) Anomalies and Vulnerability Detection
Faculty Sponsor: Michael Tu
Sydney Smith
Title: First-Gen Again – Initiatives in STEM: A Top-Down Research Approach
Faculty Sponsor: Karen Bishop Morris

Gabrielle Soe
Gabrielle Soe
Title: Exploration of Therapist and Client Intersectionality Practices and Therapeutic Relationship
Faculty Sponsor: Mia Griggs
Christopher Wayman
Title: Constraining cosmological parameters by comparing the galaxy angular power spectrum from DELVE and cosmological simulations
Faculty Sponsor: Dan Suson

Sowjanya Telluripati
Sowjanya Yelluripati
Title: Alternative Fuel Injection in Blast Furnace – A CFD Study
Faculty Sponsor: Chenn Zhou
Rui Zhang
Title: PNW Gunshot Detection System: Enhancing Our Public Safety
Faculty Sponsor: Wei Dai
The family of John S. Tuckey, in order to honor his memory, has generously established the John S. Tuckey Graduate Research Award. The award memorializes a Purdue University Calumet faculty member, whos teaching of American literature and editing/publishing of Mark Twain texts were internationally acclaimed. Dr. Tuckey’s long and outstanding service to Purdue Calumet included headship of the Department of English/Philosophy and Assistant Dean of the Graduate School. His accomplishments were recognized when Purdue University conferred upon him the Hovde Distinguished Service Professorship.
The amount of the John S. Tuckey Graduate Research Award will be $1,500. An applicant must be either a regularly admitted, degree-seeking graduate student in the humanities at Purdue Northwest or a college senior who, during the year of the award, will be a fully admitted, degree-seeking graduate student in the humanities at Purdue University Northwest. The recipient must be enrolled in no fewer than three graduate-level credits per semester during the award period.
Recipients may apply the award to research expenses during the year following the announcement (Academic year 2024-25). Expenses may include (but not limited to) travel, food and lodging, photocopying or research materials. The University expects to acknowledge the support of Purdue University Northwest in any publication that emanates from the award.
The CHESS/Education Graduate Research Award of 2024-25 in the amount of $1,500 may be awarded to either a regularly admitted, degree-seeking graduate student in any department in the College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (CHESS) or in the School of Education & Counseling, or a college senior who will be a fully admitted, degree-seeking graduate student for the academic year 2024-25 in any department in CHESS or in the School of Education & Counseling. The recipient must be enrolled in no fewer than three graduate credits per semester during the award period.
The award may be used for research expenses during the award period, including food, travel, research materials or photocopying, etc. Publications resulting from research supported by this award are expected to acknowledge the support of the campus in supporting the research.
The Graduate Studies Office also announces the availability of up to five (5) research grants in the sum of $750 each for the 2024-25 academic year.
Eligible Students
Regularly admitted, degree‐seeking graduate students, or PNW undergraduate seniors who will be regularly admitted degree‐seeking graduate students at the time of the award, who meet the minimum registration requirements during the award period, are eligible to apply for the award.
While students may apply for more than one research award, students who receive one of the graduate research grants are not eligible to receive any of the additional awards (either the CHESS/Education or Tuckey awards).
Eligible Projects
Projects eligible for graduate research grants are those that relate to program requirements. Examples include thesis research, or non‐thesis program research projects such as directed projects or capstone projects, etc.
Registration and Academic Standing Requirements
For Graduate Research Grants, recipients must be enrolled in at least 3 graduate level credits (50000-level and above) per semester of the grant (2 semesters). Recipients must maintain good academic standing for graduate students (3.0/4.0).
Credits to meet the enrollment requirement may be a thesis, directed project, or other research credits, or required coursework for the degree.
As funds allow, students who will only be registered for one semester (December candidates for graduation) may be eligible for a partial award ($375), so long as they are registered for at least 3 graduate credits during their one session of enrollment, and maintain good academic standing.
Award Process and Reporting Requirements
Graduate Research Grants will be disbursed directly to the recipients at the beginning of the fall of the academic year of the award. Recipients must present their work at student research day (Days of Discovery) in the spring of the award year, either by oral presentation or by poster session. Disbursements are awarded through Financial Aid, and recipients may be required to submit appropriate documentation to the Office of Financial Aid in order to process the awards.
The Tuckey Award and the CHESS Award may be disbursed directly to the recipients at the beginning of the fall semester of the award year. Disbursements are awarded through Financial Aid, and recipients may be required to submit appropriate documentation to the Office of Financial Aid in order to process the awards.
Application Process
The deadline for application is April 22, 2024. The awards can be used in the 2024-2025 academic year. Please note that the application submission is the same for all awards, except as noted.
If emailing digital packet, please show Grad Research 2024-25 in the subject line.
- Letter of application, including name of faculty sponsor
- Project proposal for research, including:
- Title
- Brief description of research project
- Goals of project and significance
- Project design or approach
- Brief bibliography or literature review
- Description of any previous research on this topic by applicant
- Short biographical sketch of applicant
- Two letters of recommendation from faculty (one of these may be the faculty sponsor)
- Name and contact information for faculty member who will direct student’s research (faculty sponsor)
- For the CHESS Award: Budget estimates and justification for expenses directly related to the research project: Budgets may include a reasonable amount for travel, if directly related to the research. Other travel reimbursement may be sought through the system of travel grants for graduate students for approved academic presentations. Budgeted items may not include tuition, or payments for the student or faculty mentor. The Tuckey Award and the Grad Research Grants do not require submission of a budget.
Each application for an award must include all items listed above under “Requirements” for each award application. Applicants should submit PDF copies of each award application to Margaret (Peggy) Greer at the address below. Original letters of faculty recommendation may be submitted by hard copy, and scans of each letter may be attached to each PDF application. If emailing a digital packet, please write Grad Research 2024-25 in the subject line.
There is no page limit on the application submitted. Each application should include adequate detail to allow the relevant award review committee to understand the research project and its significance in the discipline. If the application is based upon a thesis, do not submit the thesis in its entirety. The award proposal should be a more focused and concise summary of your research project and the items outlined above.
Proposals are evaluated by the relevant review committee on:
- Completeness of application (all required items submitted)
- Project eligibility
- Student eligibility
- Quality of proposal overall
- Budget/budget justification (reasonable permitted expenses, in type and amount), if a budget is required
- Goals and significance
- Project design/approach
- Bibliography/literature review
- Any previous research
The recipients of the awards are expected to be notified by late summer 2024.
Submit Questions and Materials
Digital (PDF) packets are preferred.

Margaret (Peggy) Greer
Associate Director of Graduate Admissions and Records