Welcome Bruce Berdanier as Dean of the College of Engineering and Sciences

Bruce Berdanier, Ph.D., will join Purdue University Northwest as the dean of the College of Engineering and Sciences effective July 24, 2023.
Dear PNW Faculty and Staff,
I am pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the search for the dean of the College of Engineering and Sciences (CES). Please join me in welcoming Dr. Bruce W. Berdanier as the new dean of CES, effective July 24, 2023.
Dr. Berdanier most recently served as the Lohr Endowed Dean of the Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering at South Dakota State University (SDSU) in Brookings, S.D. He is a respected scholar with significant experience in engineering nationally and internationally, leadership and service in the engineering profession, teaching, research and student engagement.
As dean at SDSU, Dr. Berdanier oversaw a college of approximately 1,800 students and 130 faculty. His accomplishments included the completion of a $5 million endowment for the dean’s position, developing and implementing a strategic plan for the college and its departments, and engaging alumni, industries and partner universities in development of the region surrounding the university. Since 2018, he has been actively engaged with the Engineering Accreditation Commission for the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET), leading accreditation teams evaluating universities’ programs.
Dr. Berdanier previously served as the dean of the School of Engineering at Fairfield University in Fairfield, Conn. His faculty appointments have included SDSU, Ohio Northern University and South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. He earned his Ph.D. in environmental engineering and hydrogeology from The Ohio State University, his master’s degree in civil engineering with a concentration in environmental engineering from Purdue University in West Lafayette, and his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering with a concentration in water resources from The Ohio State University. His impressive work experience is detailed in the attached CV.
Thank you to Dietmar Rempfer for providing a seamless transition as the Interim Dean over the past year. I also would like to thank the search committee, chaired by Niaz Latif, for their time and energy in facilitating this search.
Kenneth C. Holford
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs