CIVS Students and Staff Tour ArcelorMittal Global R&D

On September 27, 20 CIVS students and staff had a wonderful opportunity to visit ArcelorMittal Global R&D in East Chicago organized by PNW Society of Innovators and ArcelorMittal. The event included luncheon presentations and a lab tour to showcase state-of-art laboratories and a behind-the-scenes look at how ArcelorMittal is driving innovation in the workplace. The presentations discussed different projects ArcelorMittal is currently doing and presentations on four topics (Decarbonization, Steel Solutions, Advances in Steel Development using Digital Tools, and Magnelis). During the lab tour, attendees visited different mechanical testing labs, such as tensile testing and formability testing. They also visited the small-scale sample manufacturing lab, electron microscopy, where they could see nano scale magnification of steel samples.
ArcelorMittal is a long-time collaborator with CIVS and a charter member of the Steel Manufacturing Simulation and Visualization Consortium (SMSVC).
We had a great time visiting ArcelorMittal Global R&D in East Chicago and learned about the research and industry objectives ArcelorMittal has from researchers and technicians. ArcelorMittal is a top steel company in the world and their research is impressive. It was interesting to know how they first analyze processes at lab scale before implementing these at production scale. Overall, it was a great experience for the CIVS team.