CIVS Welcomes Students Through Several Events

September 5, 2023

New and returning CIVS students and staff participated in various campus and department events at the start of the Fall term. Events help to welcome new students and help them settle into their new home on campus. Returning students have the opportunity to reorient themselves as well as get acquainted with new students. These activities are vital to student success at CIVS.

On August 14th, new and returning students gathered in the Immersive Theater at CIVS for student orientation. This event fosters belonging between students as well as staff. Students were encouraged to introduce themselves and discuss the projects they are working on or plan to work on. Staff outlined expectations for CIVS students with the goal of setting them up for success.

On August 24th, CIVS students and staff joined many other departments during the PNW Welcome Rally. This was an opportunity to showcase projects and talk to students about programs within the School of Engineering. CIVS prides itself on creating opportunities for student growth and success.

On August 25th, CIVS students Misbahuddin Husaini Syed, Imran Syed, and Charlene Benoit attended Registered Student Organization Officer training as presidents and vice president of their respective clubs. Students at CIVS are encouraged to represent the center in student activities across campus. Being involved with a student organization at PNW gives students the opportunity to meet new people, enhance their academic experience, build critical skills that will help them launch into life after PNW, and contribute to the university community.

On August 26th, the CIVS student and staff retreat was held at Oak Ridge Prairie Park. This student-organized event has returned after being postponed for the past couple of years. CIVS overcame the challenges of pandemic protocols to reinstate a culture of community celebration. Students worked together to represent their diverse cultures through food and various activities. Many attendees brought their family members and friends to join the fun of high-spirited games and conversations.

A large group of individuals talking to each other are seated at tables under a canopy at a park
Individuals playing a game in a park with others standing and watching
An individual playing the trumpet stands under a canopy in a park while another individual records them on their phone
A group of individuals in casual attire stand in a row under a canopy in a park
A group of individuals in casual attire stand in a row under a canopy in a park
Two individuals stand facing the camera. One is waving hi and one is standing with their hands on their hips and smiling.
An individual grills sausage on a charcoal grill in a park while another individual stands and watches
An individual with gloves on holds two peace signs up while standing in front of a table of metal serving trays with various food items in them