Munster High School Students Collaborated with CIVS

May 22, 2021

Two Munster High School students, James Krieg and Daniel Cornejo, completed their terms with the MCE department as part of the “High-School Internship” program this spring semester. The program involved the design, prototyping, and visualizations of a controllable aperture that could be used as an iris for a light-sensitive piece of equipment, based on some research previously done by MCE department head Dr. Nezrin Ozalp. This work was carried out both at the Anderson labs campus and at the CIVS labs in the Powers building at the Hammond campus, overseen by MCE lab techs, and by CIVS staff member Kyle Toth, respectively. Final results that were shown in the final presentation on May 21st included a 3D-printed prototype of their iris mechanisms developed in the Anderson labs and animated 3D visualizations of the mechanisms with simulated lighting using Unity 3D at the CIVS labs. The results showed great success with collaboration with high schools for getting more students interested in STEM and Engineering.