Community Conversations
Latino Resource Fair
The Hammond Hispanic Community Committee hosts its 19th annual Latino Resource Fair! Come by Morton High School on Saturday, October 8th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Giving Subjectivity a Visual Form with Maria Tomasula
Join CHESS for the first speaker of this year's Distinguished Speaker Series! Maria Tomasula will be giving a talk titled "Giving Subjectivity a Visual Form".
Dia de los Muertos 5K (Day of the Dead)
Celebrate El Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with a 5K run/walk!
Lunch and Lead Series: Adam O’Doherty
Save the date for a Lunch and Lead session with Adam O'Doherty, President and CEO of United Way of Northwest Indiana, on Tuesday, December 6!
History Matters: That Time Americans Wanted a Monarchy
Johnathan Swarts, Dean of the Honors College, will engage Michael Connolly, Professor of History and author of Jacobitism in Britain and the United States, 1880-1910, about this Progressive-era reform movement.
Philosophy Matters: The Problem of Tolerance
Join us for a talk on tolerance by PNW Philosophy Professor David Detmer! Tolerance appears to be an important value. Where do we draw the line? How is the value of tolerance best conceptualized?
Distinguished Speaker Series – Robert Maldonado
Join the College of Engineering and Sciences Distinguished Speaker Series to hear PNW graduate Robert Maldonado present, "Metrology and the Physics of Measurements".
World Water Day and Third Annual Sustainability at PNW Showcase
The Sustainability at PNW event showcases of faculty work with a focus on water this year in concert with World Water Day.
Distinguished Speaker Series – Andrew Jackura
Join us for our Distinguished Speaker Series to hear PNW graduate Andrew Jackura present, "From Newton to Nuclei".
Learning Essential Communication Skills Series: Improving Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication skills are essential for personal and professional relationships as well as working with others.