Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda – Friday, September 9, 2016
September 9, 2016
Location & Time:
10:00 a.m., Alumni Hall, Hammond Campus
- Determination of Quorum
- Call to Order
- Approval of the Minutes of the 26 August 2016 Meeting
- Acceptance of the Agenda: Vice Chair of PNW Faculty Senate, Geoff Schultz
- Remarks by the Chair of PNW Faculty Senate, Dan Wilbur
- Remarks by the Chancellor of PNW, Tom Keon
- Remarks by Invited Guests
- Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost, Ralph Mueller
- Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, Carmen Panlilio
- Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, Stephen Turner
- Vice Chancellor for Information Services, Timothy Winders
- Remarks by the Representatives of the Student Governments, Melissa Sida-Diaz & Zachary Jakubowski
- Remarks by the University Senate/Intercampus Faculty Council Representatives, Vanessa Quinn & Feng-Song Wang
- Open Discussion