Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda, Friday, November 11, 2016

November 11, 2016

Location & Time

10:00 A.M., SULB 321, Hammond Campus

  1. Determination of Quorum
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Approval of Minutes of the October 14, 2016 meeting
  5. Remarks by the Chair
  6. Remarks by the Chancellor or Invited Guests (B. Stankowski)
  7. Unfinished Business
  8. New Business
    1. Curriculum Documents Approval
    2. Senate Documents For Action
      FSD 16-01: PNW Curriculum Procedures (revised) (DOCX) (Curriculum)
    3. Senate Documents For Discussion
      FSD 16-02: Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (DOCX) (Executive Committee)
      FSD 16-03: PNW Attendance Policy (DOCX) (Student Affairs)
  9. Documents and Reports For Information
    Incomplete Processing of Curriculum Documents (Curriculum)
    Instructions for Handling Documentation of Conflicting Curriculum Documents (Curriculum)
  10. Remarks by the Representative(s) of the Student Government(s)
  11. Remarks by the University Senate/Intercampus Faculty Council Representative(s)
    IFC Resolution 16-01 (For Information) (PDF)
  12. Open Discussion
  13. Adjournment