FSD 16-11 Addendum to Promotion and Tenure Criteria Guidelines and Procedures
November 11, 2016
Faculty Senate Document 16-11
Submission Date: 11/11/2016 (Faculty Affairs Committee)
Senate Action and Date:
- For Discussion, 12/9/2016;
- For Action, 1/13/2017;
- Approved, 1/13/2017;
Whereas, the Faculty Affairs Committee wishes to ensure that all faculty applying for promotion and/or tenure are treated in a fair and consistent manner, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the attached diagrams be added to the Purdue University Northwest promotion and tenure document in appropriate places (the Primary Committee Diagram at the end of VI.1.d and the Area Committee Diagram VI.2.d) for the purpose of clarifying existing procedures.
Resolved, that the attached timeline be approved for use with the unified Purdue University Northwest promotion and tenure document effective January 1, 2017.