Faculty Senate Minutes – Friday, January 13, 2017
SUL 321, Hammond Campus
Voting Members Present:
A. Angriawan, C. Boiarsky, R. Brusca-Vega, C.V. Chandramouli, D. Detmer, J. Duzinkiewicz, T. Elmendorf, M. Fathizadeh, J. Garwood, J. Hack, P. Hecht, E. James, G. Jin, A. Kokalov, J. Kuhn, Y. Lee, S. Nakayama, L. Pelter, J. Pula, V. Quinn, S. Rezak, C. Roper, P. Rose, R. Rupp, G. Schultz, K. Scipes, S. Sil (replacing Songtao Mo), J. Spores, L. Tan, J. Thomas, S. Trekles, F. Wang, E. Weber, D. Whitten, D. Wilbur, N. Zeytinoglu.
Voting Members Absent:
B. Chen, T. Dobrowski, N. Patel, S. Smithson
Non-voting Members Present:
R. Biddings-Muro, S. Lerner, T. Keon, R. Mueller, C. Panlilio, S. Turner, T. Winders.
Others present:
R. Allan, C. Buchmeier, R. Cherry, R. Clark, J. Colwell, K. Falzone, L. Goodnight, C. Holford, Z. Jakubowski, B. Law, A. Lopez, W. Lukoshus, M. Lynn, N. Nemeth, P. Riesmeyer, D. Robinson, H. Saporiti, J. Shires, R. Stankowski, S. Steele, J. Swarts, J. Tazbir, M. Watson, J. Williams.
- Determination of quorumA quorum was declared at 10:10 A.M.
- Call to OrderThe meeting was called to order by Chair D. Wilbur.
- Approval of the AgendaD. Whitten asked if the Curriculum Documents could be tabled to the next meeting.
The agenda was approved unanimously by voice vote.
- Approval of the Minutes of the December 9, 2016 meetingThe minutes were moved and seconded. They were approved unanimously by voice vote.
- Remarks by the ChairThe chair thanked Vice Chancellors Panlilio and Winders for the morning refreshments. Announced there was a guest-sign in sheet for only guests, not senate members. This is the second semester of the first year as Purdue Northwest Faculty Senate. There has been progress made, there are still a few bugs to work out and this is a work in progress. Announced the Founders Day celebration on March 6. Look for an email asking for nominations to the Outstanding Teaching awards for Engagement, Scholarship and Teaching.
- Remarks by the Chancellor or Invited Guests (R. Mueller)T. Keon reported on his recent trip to Indianapolis too speak with legislators about the new building replacing Gyte Annex. The governor’s budget is not the best as it relates to higher education, but the House Ways and Means committee may have a way to massage it. The budget is based on performance funding. Meaning a small lost for us in the next fiscal year. The governor’s budget is changing the distribution for dual credit. Currently, there is a fee of $50 per credit hour, this will be changed to $32 per credit hour. There are no capital expenditures for higher education. This is not good news for us. Legislator Hal Slager, could champion for us to see if we could get the funding for the new building. The Chancellor was able to see key people in the state house, so it’s known about the building.
Enrollment for fall 2016 is 9% lower than the previous year; our income is less than projected. This fiscal year, we are spending more income than we brought in. Enrollment for spring is 10% lower. The R drive has an illustration of the budget shortfall of around eight million dollars. We have a rainy day fund that could cover half the amount, 2.3 million could be covered by internal reallocation and the remaining 1.7 million is what we need to find this year. The VC’s are looking at what they can do. VC Turner has a spreadsheet of how the different areas can make up for the last part of the budget shortfall.
How do we prevent this from happening next year? We need to find ways to reduce the recurring budget. The Chancellor will be meeting with the university budget committee at the end of the month. There are a number of options for discussion and please send your ideas or suggestions to the chancellor. A few ideas include the option for early retirement for faculty (VEPR). This will include some health care benefit for four years. Staff members can also take advantage of early retirement. There will be a six month pay out for those who retire by July 1st. Also, for the faculty currently on early retirement, there are incentives for those to be bought out. Another idea, that need to be researched with West Lafayette legal department, is joining the Midwest Consortium. In joining, we would be able to charge out of state students 1.5 times our current tuition for those states who participate in the program. This could assist in bringing more Illinois and Michigan students to PNW. We also need to impact our recruiting efforts. Faculty need to positively promote PNW.
The chancellor spoke about the five-year renewal for Dual Credit and why it didn’t go through Faculty Senate. At that time, there were two Senate’s in May, one was currently in session the other had concluded for the year. The chancellor didn’t sign off on the renewal until the HLC meeting.
The chancellor addressed the notion that the NCAA requires a committee report to the chancellor. This is false. A committee will include Faculty Senate members.
Provost Mueller addressed the senate in saying that it was a good break and time to reflect of what has happened in the previous year. This is PNW’s first semester as well as his. Provost Mueller expressed appreciation of the Senate’s welcome and patience. He knows only one culture and that is PNW, while the rest of us know two. What new unified shared governance is at PNW? Shared governance implies shared responsibility and accountability. Compromise is always part of this. Talk must be followed by action by hard work for everyone. This makes for a healthy shared governance. He is looking forward to working with everyone for a successful semester.
P. Hecht asked if the enrollment slump is more at Westville than Hammond and what steps have been taken for successful registration. VC Panilio responded by saying that making sure New Student Orientation (NSO) is something that parallels the Hammond campus, the outcome should be registration of students. No student leaves the Hammond campus without being registered; something that isn’t happening at Westville. There are plenty of recruiters between the campuses. EMSA is working on onboarding, welcome rally events, engagement so the students don’t feel lost and there are student advocates to help. We need to have positive promotion from everyone. There are the same scholarship packages at each campus. FYE and Experiential Learning will have an impact on student retention.
C. Roper asked if there were any 2+2 Programs. Chancellor Keon said we have articulation agreements with Ivy Tech. If you find a specific department does not have an agreement, they must obtain those.
J. Duzinkiewicz commented that the greatest change for students are at the Westville campus. Students were able to register for a full academic year in the past and are no longer able to do so.
R. Brusca-Vega commented that graduate students are left out of most discussions. Graduate school is short-staffed and is overwhelmed with applications and paperwork. S. Lerner reminded everyone of the budget issues we’re facing with lower enrollment. Graduate growth and retention is being investigated.
K. Scipes was concerned that online courses doesn’t provide a university experience. He suggested strict limits on how many online courses we teach. We need to get students on campus to interact with faculty and each other. Students are complaining that their work schedules won’t allow them to be on campus. He suggested that Chancellor Keon needs to promote the positive aspects of attending courses in a higher ed institution. Chancellor Keon responded by saying that online programs should be directed to appropriate markets and that online courses are at the discretion of the faculty. We have 80% full-time students.
J. Pula teaches online courses and says usually if a student is motivated, they do well. We do not require students to take a workshop in Blackboard for online courses and they do not succeed. Students should have 15 cr. in order to take online courses.
M. Block says they have a robust RN-BSN program.
C. Boiarsky said we should be taking all of these suggestions and comments to Ed Policy within in Faculty Senate and bring a recommendation by the final meeting of Senate.
- Unfinished BusinessNone.
- New Business
- Curriculum Document ApprovalCurriculum documents are tabled to the next meeting.
- Senate Documents For ActionFSD 16-02, Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (Executive Committee)
G. Schultz commented that this committee originally wanted a regular Faculty Senate standing committee. NCAA stipulates the committee must report to the Chancellor or President of a university. The committee structure is a true governance model. G. Schutz motioned, C. Roper seconded. Discussion ensued regarding item iii under Membership. F. Song wanted an amendment suggesting “Committee Chair should be the Senate representative”. This is a substantial change and not an amendment. This is going to be a joint committee between the Senate and the Chancellor’s Office and work with substantial faculty input. T. Elmendorf asked if the Chair of the committee report. The Chair –Elect reports to the Senate. He also suggested removing “standing” from the “standing committee” line in the first paragraph. A motion to table the document for a revision and E. James seconded to table the document. The document was tabled by unanimous voice vote. The Chancellor says a committee has not bet or been formed. Does this need to be in the by-laws. E. Weber suggests changing the name to be Senate/Administration or using Joint.
FSD 16-05: General Education Learning Outcomes for PNW (General Education)
P. Hecht re-introduced the document, which calls for acceptance of the principles created as part of the Liberal Education and America’s Promise program, which is a multi-state initiative. P. Hecht motioned, A. Kokalov seconded. Document was approved unanimously.
FSD 16-07: PNW Academic Integrity Policy (Student Affairs)
T. Elmendorf re-introduced the document for discussion. A question regarding the timeline for clarity. Associate Professor Kenny Kincaid has volunteered to chair this committee. T. Elmendorf motioned and seconded from F. Wang. C. Boiarsky asked for a definition of “university business day”, which is defined on the university calendar as “as a day the university is in session”. This note will be added to the end of the document. J. Duzinkiewicz questioned the student involvement in the committee. He would like an amendment to change the panel to 5 faculty and 2 students. . C. Roper seconded. This is a substantial change to the original document. A. Kokalov motion to not to table, G. Schultz seconded. The document was approved unanimously by voice vote. Further discussion regarding III B and the .25 release time. Who is paying for this, not sure if the .25 release should remain. F. Wang says that Grade Appeals also has a.25 release. S. Learner again reminded the senate of the budget constraints. C. Boiarsky asked how do we select which chair gets release time? Provost Mueller said to do a survey on our peer institutions for committee funding. C. Panlilio says we are obligated to follow Purdue policy and this is parallel to the code of conduct from West Lafayette. T. Elmendorf asks that the academic units have selected their grade appeals members from each campus.
FSD 16-09: Creation of an Ad Hoc Committee on Experiential Learning (Executive Committee)
D. Whitten re-introduced the document. F. Wang motioned to have the document adopted, un-named faculty seconded. J. Hack would like to amend the document to include input from the chancellor, provost, student achievement, and instructional excellence segments of the campus. D, Whitten states that this is the first committee of EXL at Purdue Northwest, whereas Westville did not have a committee. R. Brusca-Vega agreed with J. Hack to get more voices heard. F. Wang states this is an information committee to move forward. J. Hack said that schools are recognized as its own entity with the new PNW academic structure. P. Hecht wished the resolution had a timeline and we should move quickly. C. Roper asked how are the representatives chosen? By election or appointment? R. Rupp motioned to amend the document, E. James seconded. Clicker vote, the document passed 28-7.
FSD 16-10: Revision to Promotion and Tenure Criteria, Guidelines and Procedures (Faculty Affairs)
J. Pula re-introduced the document with minor editing changes mentioned in last month’s meeting. The new document incorporates language from the West Lafayette. J. Pula motioned to approve, Janet Garwood seconded with an amendment to V. I. 3. by deleting “simple” of the sentence “All candidates who receive the supporting vote of a simple majority.) J. Duzinkiewicz would like student evaluations to be deleted. J. Duzkinkiewicz motioned, un-named faculty seconded. What would we replace student evaluations with? C. Boiarsky commented that all Promotion and Tenure documents look at course evaluations. K. Scipes added that the course evaluation response rate is horrible since the implementation of electronic course evaluations. R. Mueller responded that “we cannot make judgment on teaching excellence without data”. G. Schulz added if you remove course evaluations, it implies hiding something. A. Kokalov motion to table the document, R. Rupp seconded.
Clicker vote, the document as not tabled with a 15-18 vote.
Motion by J. Pula to adopt the document as written without the “simple” in V.I.3., seconded by M. Block. Clicker vote, the document passed 26-9.FSD 16-11: Addendum to Promotion and Tenure Criteria, Guidelines and Procedures (Faculty Affairs)
J. Pula presented the document for discussion with changes from the last meeting. J. Pula motioned and J. Garwood seconded. K. Scipes need clarification regarding the department chair is not part of the meeting. The committee chair or designee writes the detailed report and communicates on what transpired in the meeting along with separate recommendations. Document passed with unanimous voice vote.
FSD 16-15: Endorsement of IFC Resolution 16.03 –“Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP)/Dual Credit Program: Compliance with Higher Learning Commission Guidelines” (Intercampus Faculty Council)
IFC document states that all high school instructors assigned CEP/Dual Credit courses be in accordance with the Higher Learning Commission guides effective September 1, 2017. F. Wang motioned, D. Detmer seconded. Document passed with unanimous voice vote.
Due to time constraints, T. Elmendorf suggested that all remaining business be conducted as unfinished business at the February meeting. T. Elmendorf motioned, G. Schultz seconded. SGA reports will be collected by email from by T. Elmendorf. J. Hack would like to discuss document FSD 16-14 Faculty Senate Schedule for Spring 2017. Amend to discuss 16-14, motion to move FSD 16-14 to action; unanimously passed by voice vote. Motion to approve document, F. Wang seconded. Document passed unanimously by voice vote.
- AdjournmentMeeting adjourned at 12:20 P.m with an objection to end the meeting by J. Duzinkiewicz.