Faculty Senate Minutes – Friday, March 10, 2017

March 10, 2017

SUL 321, Hammond Campus

Voting Members Present:

A. Angriawan, C. Boiarsky, R. Brusca-Vega, C.V. Chandramouli, D. Detmer, J. Duzinkiewicz, T. Elmendorf, M. Fathizadeh, J. Garwood, J. Hack, P. Hecht, E. James, G. Jin, Y. Lee, S. Nakayama, L. Pelter, J. Pula, V. Quinn, S. Rezak, C. Roper, P. Rose, G. Schultz, K. Scipes, J. Spores, J. Thomas, S. Trekles, F. Wang, E. Weber, D. Whitten, D. Wilbur.

Voting Members Absent:

B. Chen, A. Kokalov, J. Kuhn, N. Patel, R. Rupp, S. Sil, S. Smithson. L. Tan, N. Zeytinoglu.

Non-voting Members Present:

S. Lerner, R. Mueller, C. Panlilio, S. Turner, T. Winders.

Others present:

C. Arroyo, K. Chan, T. Clark, J. Colwell, L. Goodnight, E. Hixon, Z. Jakubowski, B. Law, W. Lukoshus, M. Lynn, R. Morrow, T. Radtke, P. Riesmeyer, J. Shires, M. Sida, R. Stankowski, S. Steele, M. Watson, J. Williams.

  1. Determination of quorumA quorum was declared at 10:10 A.M.
  2. Call to OrderThe meeting was called to order by Chair D. Wilbur.
  3. Approval of the AgendaThe agenda was approved unanimously by voice vote.
  4. Approval of the Minutes of the February 10th meetingThe minutes were approved unanimously by voice vote.
  5. Remarks by the ChairD. Wilbur stated that the documents on the agenda will not be linked on the website. You can access those documents on the R drive in the PNW Faculty Senate folder under the appropriate meeting date.

    He also stated that VC Winders told him about using the SharePoint system for document access. The Executive Committee will look into this process.

  6. Remarks by the Chancellor or Invited Guests (Provost Mueller)No remarks by the Chancellor.

    Provost Mueller began by congratulating the 200+ individuals that were honored at this year’s inaugural Founders Day Celebration on March 6th. There were approximately 500 attendees and 100+ faculty that were recognized.

    Provost Mueller very sincerely apologized for the surprise, concern and inconvenience the announcement of the cancellation of classes on February 26 may have caused. The decision did not come lightly. During the December 9th Faculty Senate meeting, the Provost and the Chancellor consulted the Senate about cancelling classes on March 6. No formal vote was taken.

    At the February Founder’s Day Planning committee meeting, it was discovered that 100+ faculty were being recognized during the event. During the RSVP period, most of the “regrets” that came in, came from faculty due to their teaching schedules. So the committee was faced with having a large majority of faculty not be there during the award ceremony or cancelling classes and having those faculty join the ceremony.

    The decision to cancel classes was made in collaboration with Senate Leadership, the SLT and Chancellor Keon. In hindsight, decisions could have been made earlier. For next year, we hope to reach decisions much earlier, perhaps moving Founders Day to the first Friday in March. None of the concerns should take away from the faculty being honored. Students were invited and some did attend. Maybe talk with the Dean of Students and supplement Founders Day with activities of interest.

    D. Detmer questioned the constitutionality of cancelling the classes as this would fall under the Faculty Senate constitution. Provost Mueller said the executive powers of the Chancellor should
    allow him to cancel classes.

    D. Detmer replied that it is the faculty who should have the power. Also, establishing the academic calendar is under the Faculty Senate constitution.

    T. Elmendorf said it would be politically wise to consult the Senate with its regular procedure and that moving the Founders Day event to the first Friday in March is a good idea.

    F. Wang stated that any such cancellation should go through Senate.

    E. Weber reiterated what F. Wang said; it is very important to include Student Activities; emergency closings are different than other closures; and have the Senior Leadership Team be in thorough conversation with the Senate.

    Provost Mueller would like to have more volunteers from Senate to be on next year’s planning committee and extended an invitation to whomever would like to join.

    G. Schultz said that Provost Mueller did come to the Senate in December and we should have taken a vote. We are learning how to do this as one campus. We could have done it better and we didn’t. Next time we vote so we have a record in the minutes.

  7. Unfinished BusinessNone.
  8. New Business
    1. Curriculum Document ApprovalD. Whitten motioned to accept all curriculum documents, T. Elmendorf seconded. They were approved unanimously by voice vote.
    2. Senate Documents For Action
      • None
  9. Senate Documents for Discussion
    • FSD 16-17, Calendars for Academics Years 2017-2018 to 2020-2021 (Ed Policy)

      F. Wang said these calendars are identical to West Lafayette and they were approved by both PNC and PUC Senates last year. This is for the new PNW structure.

      T. Elmendorf askes about Summer Session III was not included on some of the academic years. F. Wang will take a look and amend the document.

      J. Thomas asks that in the past, there were two equal summer session choices and could this be put back in. F. Wang will take a look at see what, if anything, can be done.

      J. Duzinkiewicz says the BLS Capstone courses run six weeks in the summer.

      J. Hack states our responsibility is to do a template and give it to the Registrar to plug in the courses.

      K. Scipes says that the old PNC Spring Break was scheduled after eight weeks of classes, now it’s at nine weeks. Academically, this works against with what he’s trying to do. F. Wang reiterates this this syncs with West Lafayette, but will look into this.

      E. James says that that at Hammond there were three summer sessions and we should have choices. F. Wang asks that due to variations with summer, do we want to have every combination on the calendar or have the Registrar work with faculty?

      L. Pelter says in the past the schedule was very flexible. The Department Head worked with the Registrar and was not restricted to the official calendar.

      G. Schultz said we had a flexible schedule, usually served faculty conveniences. We need to have careful discussions.

      S. Lerner said that the powers to be looked at the schedule and two-thirds of the courses were scheduled during Maymester and this was eventually altered.

      E. Weber said we need to pay attention to the schedule of classes.

      C. Boiarsky stated we need to have variables in the schedule to see what will attract and allow students to attend.

    • FSD 16-18 Residency Credit Requirement for Bachelor’s Degree (Ed Policy)

      F. Wang presented a new proposed residency rule for Purdue Northwest. It would require at least 32 semester hours of coursework on the Purdue University Northwest campuses with a minimum of 50% of coursework in their major concentration area in resident study with resident credit not transfer credit. This is a Purdue system-wide change. Please send feedback to F. Wang.

      T. Elmendorf asks why this document is being brought to Senate. F. Wang explained that about five years ago there were no regulations for students bringing in other college course work to receive a Purdue degree.

      K. Scipes asked about where online courses fall in the residency requirement.

      T. Elmendorf answered that the courses offered at PNW are our own courses and therefore meet the residency requirement.

      K. Scipes also would like limits on how many online courses students can take to graduate. The online experience is not the same as classroom experience.

      T. Elmendorf and M. Block mentioned the nursing program is online and there are ways to garner excellent teaching.

      J. Hack asked if we wanted a situation where a student transfers a zillion credits here to get a Purdue degree. This is where the 32 credits came from. Please take this back to the faculty and ask for feedback.

    • FSD 16-19 Unconditional Undergraduate Admission Standards (Ed Policy)

      J. Hack and P. Rose researched the campus standards for both PUC and PNC and found they were very similar, but we need something official for Purdue Northwest.

      J. Pula asks about the Indiana Core 40 curriculum and students who came from Illinois schools. F. Wang stated the document also says “equivalent diploma.” Senate agreed to support the correct standards.

      J. Hack says that Deans and Departments have standards for Direct Admission.

    • FSD 16-20 International Student General Admission Requirements (Ed Policy)

      F. Wang introduced this document and said that compared with ten peer institutions, eight out of the ten have similar admission standards and 2 have an SAT essay requirement. Please take back to your departments for suggestions and changes.

      D. Detmer questions us having separate standards as PNW.

      VC Panlilio stated the standards recommended on the document for international students are lower than those for native students. The cumulative GPA required for native students is 3.0 not the 2.5 recommended on the document. The average SAT critical reading score for native students is already 496 and the document is recommending a minimum of 480. There is no math score required for international students, when it is a required component for native students. The math placement assessment (using ALEKS) is required for all native students who will be taking college math courses, and it is only recommended or suggested on the document for international students.

      T. Elmendorf stated to take the ALEKS test, there is very little in the way to take the exam in a secure environment.

      F. Wang said that Dallas Kenny presented research data of six-year graduation
      rate between international students and our native students and there is no difference. Please send recommendations or suggestions to F. Wang.

    • FSD 16-22 Student Representative Constitutional Amendment (Student Affairs)

      T. Elmendorf presented an amendment to the Constitution allowing the Student Government representative serve with a vote on the Senate. When forming the new constitution, the student government representatives were overlooked. Currently, the student government representatives serve without vote. In the past, they served with a vote at PUC and without a vote at PNC. It is a gesture of respect for our students.

      Z. Jakubowski said this is a good sign of respect and that the faculty listen to what the students have to say.

      Currently the Senate By-Laws say that student representatives serve without a vote and the Constitution doesn’t say anything about student representatives.

      Student Government is going towards joint governance.

      J. Spores opposes student government reps serving with a vote because having students here, having access to faculty and be part of the process is sufficient respect. The votes by the student government reps would rarely make an effect.

      F. Wang shared that at West Lafayette there are two undergraduate student representatives and one graduate student representative.

      E. James stated that the added item 5 at the end of Section IV-A should be clearer; if there is no vote if the President or SGA representative is not present. Faculty schedules are more predictable and members can adjust their schedules. Student cannot control or adjust their schedule.

      J. Hack says this was not an oversight in stating the voting privileges. In the interest of getting the Constitution completed we would address this in the By-Laws. The By-Laws committee felt this body should look at this issue.

      J. Duzinkiewicz state that student voice is extremely important, but is it advised to have a vote on matters that don’t concern them, such as Promotion and Tenure.

      T. Elmendorf answered that students have a voice and vote on any issue that comes from this Senate.

      J. Pula asks if all employment categories should get a vote to garner the same student respect?

      M. Block concurs with J. Spores and J. Duzinkiewicz in that we like to have input, but it’s not advisable to have them vote on faculty matters.

  10. Documents and Reports for Information
    • FSD 16-21 Faculty Senate Curriculum Dates 2016-2017 (Curriculum Committee)

      D. Whitten introduced this document. We have set an extra Faculty Senate Meeting on May 5th, therefore we will need an additional Curriculum Meeting set for April 14.

      F. Wang asks if this needs a document number. D. Wilbur answered that all documents have a document number for tracking.

    • FSD 16-23 ExL Survey Results (Executive Committee)

      D. Whitten shared the Experiential Learning survey results and those results were pretty much split evenly between College and University.

      C. Boiarsky asked if the results would be available on the R drive and they will be.

      D. Wilbur there needs to be a formal resolution even though the survey results were notconclusive. The Provost and Chancellor support university-wide experiential learning. Who is going to support this program? The resolution should be for one university-wide experiential learning course and one optional course.

      Provost Mueller said that maybe at the next meeting we need to speak about experiential learning. It is imperative to have a strong component of experiential learning that would put us on par with other institutions like us and distinguish us from others. He says we have appropriate support and resources from the VCAA and this falls under Innovation and Impact;joint responsibilities between the two Associate VCAA’s.

      C. Roper asked if we have a definition before we vote

      J. Hack thanked D. Wilbur for sharing the progress on this. If we do this, we need to do it right.
      Either stay current or move forward; as Hammond had required two experiential courses and students should be exposed to experiential learning courses throughout their four years.

      G. Schultz explained that experiential learning was supported with a significant grant, had training for faculty and its own office. Once the grant ran out, the office was eliminated,but they were all expected to have experiential learning.

      J. Hack asked Janice Tazbir to speak. Experiential learning is part of our mission. It’s definedby NSEE standards.

      F. Wang said that some units will never be able to offer two experiential learning courses to students as there is not enough lab space.

      J. Hack states that when she wrote the policy there was no additional burden on the student. Experiential learning didn’t always have to be credited coursework.

  11. Remarks by the Representative(s) of the Student Government(s)M. Sida from Hammond said that they are in the middle of their election process. By April 7th there should be a new SGA. The President and Vice President have run on separate tickets. Students who want to run for President or VP should have been on SGA for at least one semester.March 21st will be their state capital visit and to please excuse students from class. T. Elmendorf says there is a form to excuse students in the VCAA’s office.

    Cameron Mann from West Lafayette is involved with initiating an honor pledge starting in the fall.

    The Hammond campus awarded six leadership funds and have increased the amount from $500 to $750.

    Z. Jakubowski from Westville stated that the crosswalk safety initiative between parking lots 2 and 3 has been accepted by Brian Miller.

    Other documents of safety include LED lighting and safety poles/kiosks for instant response for a police dispatcher.

    There are a lot of new student applicants running for the next year.

    The number of involved students has increased at the Westville campus.

    Briefly mentioned the article in the PNW Pioneer regarding the inequality of events on the Westville campus versus the Hammond campus. This year included Founder’s Day and the Student Awards Banquet.

    S. Lerner said there should be a bit of outreach for the honor pledge.

    G. Schultz said the Portage Commons may have room for these types of student events and opens on March 20.

    T. Elmendorf asked if the common room at Portage would be big enough for our Senate meeting. S. Turner said with planning we could use the space.

    M. Watson commented that even though we could have the Senate Meeting at Portage, we would lack sufficient committee room space. S. Turner said there could be room.

  12. Remarks by the University Senate/Intercampus Faculty Council Representative(s)
    • University SenateF. Wang reported that WL course evaluation questions of “I would rate this instructor” and “I would rate this course” as no longer mandatory.West Lafayette discussed the honor pledge and there was no reach out to the regional campuses. Discussion regarding the “be honest and true in all that I do” part of the pledge.

      President Mitch Daniels stated that West Lafayette is the only college with a net reduction in state appropriation. He will request to add line item funding for West Lafayette.

      West Lafayette passed a resolution that changes the make-up and gives PNW one University senator not two as we currently have. This is a three-year term starting June 1, 2017. Currently, there is no release time associated with this position.

      C. Boiarsky asked if there was a mileage reimbursement to travel to West Lafayette and there is.

      J. Duzinkiewicz said this is an important position and we need to be involved. The Senator also serves on committees in West Lafayette that will affect us and usually serves on IFC. There is so much potential, but no time to devote and asked to restore some release time.

      C. Boiarsky asked if there could be a resolution for release time for certain members of the Senate who serve on these types of committees. D. Wilbur said we can consult and discuss.

      Provost Mueller said that Senate is in charge of their own budget.

      G. Schultz confirmed what Provost Mueller said, but we really didn’t know how much we needed and we’re trying to be frugal in giving release time. There needs to be an incentive to want to do this.

      F. Wang said that West Lafayette receives a monetary stipend for serving.

      There is to be a revision of Purdue University system-wide academic regulation. Please send any comments to F. Wang.

    • Intercampus Faculty CouncilV. Quinn reported that Sponsored Programs would like to improve the submission timeliness of the pre-award service agreement. A new timeline would include 3-week notice before deadline to submit, proposed budget of 5 days, final budget of 2 days and 8-hours of statement of work. Currently, when a PI submits a proposal early, they must wait in line behind those who submit last minute. This is not fully implemented at PNW, but working towards implementation.IFC met February 20th and passed IFC Modus operandi.

      IFC received the university-wide draft policy for Continuing Lecturers; this is to increase the positions caps from 10% to 25% at the regional campuses. This would raise the proportion CL’s to 45% for all PNW

      Please direct any further questions to F. Wang and V. Quinn.

  13. Open DiscussionT. Elmendorf mentioned that Saul Lerner, Parliamentarian, was awarded at Founder’s Day for 50 years of service. S. Lerner wondered how the campus could survive him after all these years. S. Lerner was the first Parliamentarian in 1968.L. Pelter mentioned PNW’s Inaugural Faculty Research Day on March 23. You may be still able to submit your abstract. There will be a beer and wine reception.

    V. Quinn mentioned Student Research Day; March 28 at Westville and March 29 at Hammond.

    K. Scipes asked if there were talks about assessing the P&T process. Faculty Affairs is discussing.

    C. Boiarsky and S. Lerner both agreed with K. Scipes about the importance of assessing the P&T process.

    VC Panlilio mentioned an Open House in Westville on March 25 and is looking forward to faculty representing PNW.

  14. AdjournmentMeeting adjourned at 12:07.