Faculty Senate Minutes – Friday May 5, 2017
SUL 321, Hammond Campus
Voting Members Present:
A. Angriawan, M. Block, R. Brusca-Vega, C. Chandramouli, D. Detmer, D. Dunn, J. Duzinkiewicz, A. Elmendorf, J. Garwood, J. Hack, P. Hecht, E. James, G. Jin, J. Kuhn, Y. Lee, S. Nakayama, L. Pelter, J. Pula, V. Quinn, S. Rezak, C. Roper, P. Rose, R. Rupp, G. Schultz, S. Smithson, J. Spores, J. Thomas, S. Trekles, F. Wang, E. Weber, D. Whitten, D. Wilbur, N. Zeytinoglu.
Voting Members Absent:
C. Boiarksy, B. Chen, M. Fathizadeh, A. Kokalov, S. Sil, L. Tan.
Non-voting Members Present:
R. Biddings-Muro, T. Keon, S. Lerner, R. Mueller, C. Panlilio, T. Winders, S. Turner.
Others present:
P. Bailey, T. Clark, R. Clark, J. Colwell, K. Falzone, L. Goodnight, E, Hixon, M. Lynn, P. McGrath, T. Radtke, P. Riesmeyer, J. Shires, D. Simmons, R. Scribailo, R. Stankowski, A, Tomory, M. Watson, J. Williams.
- Determination of quorum
A quorum was declared at 10:05 A.M.
- Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair D. Wilbur.
- Approval of the Agenda
D. Wilbur would like motion to amend the agenda by adding the new IFC and University Senate representative and document 16-37 Resolution on the Purdue Purchase of Kaplan University. Motion was seconded and amendments were approved unanimously by voice vote. Agenda approved unanimously by voice vote.
- Approval of the Minutes of the April 14th meeting
A motion to approve the minutes was seconded. J. Duzinkiewicz ask for clarification regarding Junior or Senior standing for CEP students. It should be Senior standing for CEP students. The minutes were approved unanimously by voice vote..
- Remarks by the Chair
D. Wilbur thanked everyone for their commitment this year. Congratulated the Senators who are retiring and said the academic units are in process of electing replacements. This is his last formal meeting as chair of Faculty Senate; next year he will be co-chair with Geoff Schultz.
- Remarks by the Chancellor or Invited Guests
The Chancellor thanked everyone for their hard work this year and the excellent contributions to PNW.
The Chancellor also mentioned that we need to thank State Representative, Hal Slager, for helping us get the new building. Without his help, this wouldn’t have happened.
The Chancellor would like an emphasis on instruction. The Provost is hiring a Director for the Center for Faculty Development and Leadership. There will be teaching portfolios to express the efforts done in the classroom to assist with review, possibly for the 2018 calendar year.
F. Wang thanked Chancellor Keon and Steve Turner for their unwavering efforts in obtaining funding for the new building.
- Unfinished Business
- None.
- New Business
FSD 16-37 Resolution on the Purdue Purchase of Kaplan University
F. Wang introduces this document and states that based on the Special University Senate meeting statements, this purchase will dilute the Purdue degree and it’s the third time the Board of Trustees has made major decisions without any faculty input. All Kaplan students have to sign an arbitration agreement. He motions to move the endorsement to action and the motion is seconded. The document is approved to move to action unanimously by voice vote. Motion to approve this document and the motion is seconded. R. Rupp wishes not to rush through this discussion and should table this document as it’s exceedingly important. J. Duzinkiewicz wants to stay in session to show solidarity. P. Hecht asks if anyone has heard in favor or against this deal. T. Elmendorf says it’s important to rubber stamp this, as we are signing on to the concerns raised in the press. D. Wilbur says there were no answers given during the webcast of this news. F. Wang wants a secret ballot which is denied. The document is approved by voice vote.
- Curriculum Document Approval
D. Whitten motioned to approve all the documents. Motion was seconded. Documents passed unanimously by voice vote.
F. Wang thanked the Curriculum committee for the assistance with the new process.
- Senate Documents For Action
- FSD 16-17, Calendars for Academics Years 2017-2018 to 2020-2021 (Ed Policy)
F. Wang motioned move this document to Action. Motion was seconded. There are clearly marked start and end dates of the summer sessions. D. Wilbur mentioned that Founder’s Day is the first Friday in March, but it is not reflected on the calendars. F. Wang said that Ed Policy received the request too late to revise the document and will file a separate resolution to add Founder’s Day and not amend the current document. The document passed unanimously by voice vote.
- FSD 16-20 International Student General Admission Requirements for PNW (Ed Policy)
F. Wang motioned to approve this document. Motion seconded. Clarification of the GPA and SAT requirements for International Students are different from domestic students. K. Tobin, interim Director to International Affairs, says the office is undergoing a change of leadership and states there is no sense of urgency if this resolution doesn’t pass this year. F. Wang objects and states that this resolution has been worked on for a half of the year. VC Panlilio mentioned that what we’re asking for in this resolution is not less than what we’re asking for of domestic students. The document passed unanimously by voice vote.
- FSD 16-24 Student Learning Assessment Plan (Assessment Steering Committee)
A. Angriawan motioned to approve this document. Motion was seconded. J. Hack made a small revision to the chart in Section 5. One box reads Department heads of Designees, it should be “or” designees. J. Duzinkiewicz needed clarification if all the courses undergo assessment. T. Elmendorf states that the programs will assess the courses. The document is approved unanimously by voice vote.
- FSD 16-25 Experiential Learning as Graduation Requirement (Executive Committee)
Motioned to approve this document. Motion was seconded. J. Hack would like to make a friendly amendment by changing “the one (1) requited experiential learning course” to “ a minimum of one (1) experiential learning course in the student’s major (discipline) or as an alternative one course in the areas of Service Learning/Civic Engagement, Undergraduate Research, or in Study Abroad”. T. Elmendorf objects on the basis that the requirement has to be in the student’s major. P. Hecht states that we were informed of this amendment yesterday with no time to discuss. F. Wang also states this was the first time to see this amendment. Motioned to vote on the amendment by paper ballot. The tally result was 20 No and 13 Yes. The amendment was not accepted. P. Hecht called to motion. The original document without the amendment was voted by paper ballot. The tally result was 24 Yes and 9 No. The original document passes. R. Rupp recognized J. Hack for her service to the Faculty Senate.
- FSD 16-26 General Education Course List Update for 2017-2018 (General Education)
P. Hecht motioned to approve this document. Motion was seconded. D. Whitten had a minor edit and changed the ECON 10000 under additions to ECON 1XXXX as that number already exists in West Lafayette and that PSY 1XX needs two more X’s. The document is approved unanimously by voice vote.
- FSD 16-27 Veterans Credits (Ed Policy)
J. Pula motioned to approve this document. Motion was seconded. J. Pula states that Purdue North Central already had this policy and simply asks for approval for PNW. The document is approved unanimously by voice vote.
- FSD 16-28 Tuition Remission for Senior Citizens (Ed Policy)
F. Wang motioned to approve this document. Motion was seconded. S. Lerner forwarded this matter to the Ed Policy committee and J. Duzinkiewicz created the document. J. Duzinkiewicz said this resolution will enrich the classroom experience. F. Wang mentioned that continued learning is an excellent way to stave off age related dementia. Joy Colwell, Director of Graduate Studies wanted clarification if these were undergraduate classes. F. Wang states there is no distinction between undergrad or graduate. Approval of graduate courses is not under Faculty Senate purview. Chancellor Keon stated that this would have to go to the Board of Trustees as we cannot change the tuition. VC Turner also said same with fees. All remission now will become a budgeted expense for PNW. The document is approved unanimously by voice vote.
D. Wilbur asks for nominations for University Senate Representative and IFC Representative. T. Elmendorf nominates J. Pula. F. Wang seconds. J. Pula is approved by voice vote. J. Duzinkiewicz asks who will be the other IFC representative along with J. Pula. The Chair of Senate is the other representative.
- FSD 16-17, Calendars for Academics Years 2017-2018 to 2020-2021 (Ed Policy)
- Senate Documents for Discussion
- FSD 16-29 P&T Campus Committee Change (Faculty Affairs)
M. Block introduces this document saying the faculty are concerned with the equity an integrity of the P&T process. T. Elmendorf says the major effect of this resolution is removing the deans from the P&T committee. M. Block states this would discourage favoritism. T. Elmendorf motions to move this document to action. Motion is seconded. The document passes for action by voice vote. P. Hecht mentions the document seem to use a different standard than Senate Bylaws. According to the Bylaws, faculty members with .50 FTE or less administrative assignment are eligible to participate in Senate. The resolution will not allow a faculty member who has a .50 FTE administrative assignment to serve on P&T committee. F. Wang would like to table this motion. Motion was denied. Document is now for action. The document is approved by voice vote.
- FSD 16-31 Joint Taskforce for Faculty Evaluation of Administrators (Faculty Affairs)
S. Trekles introduced this document to recommend policies in evaluating administrators. Faculty Affairs would like to create a committee by October 2017; establish policies by January 2018; and complete the administrative assessment by April 2018. G. Schultz asks what would be done with the information that is gathered. S. Trekles replied to use it like our personal evaluations and use it to better their approach. R. Brusca-Vega from Faculty Affairs would let the taskforce come forward with recommendations.
- FSD-16-32 PNW Syllabus Template for PNW (Ed Policy)
F. Wang introduced this document in saying that PUC had a syllabus template and now we need this for PNW. He motioned to move this to action and the motion was seconded. The document was approved for action by unanimous voice vote. D. Whitten has a friendly amendment to change the wording from “template” to “minimum requirement. R. Brusca-Vega asked if there was a requirement of the course calendar to be included. F. Wang responded that assignment policies can have that information included. T. Elmendorf states that some courses do not have the ability to have this course information. L. Pelter has the syllabus and course calendar as separate documents. C. Chandramouli agrees and states that for ABET they need to submit their syllabi for accreditation purposes. The document is approved unanimously by voice vote.
- FSD 16-33 CEP Master’s Degrees
G. Schultz introduced this document in saying that there was a meeting with the Duneland representatives. This document is a compromise on how they high school instructors can meet our standards. Chancellor Keon states that some schools are incentivizing their instructors to get their master’s degrees. G. Schultz says the department heads will be the ones monitoring the progress and signing off on articulation agreements. R. Rupp motioned to move this document to action and the motion was seconded. The motion was approved to be moved to action by voice vote with 1 opposed. F. Wang states the middle table is unclear and can it be removed. K. Scipes wants the document to stipulate the “hours must be in field of study”. The document was approved with the amendments by voice vote.
- FSD 16-34 Metropolitan University
R. Rupp introduced this document stating to change our designation from a regional a metropolitan university. The designation will allow us to go forward with graduate programming and funding opportunities. He motioned to move this document to action and the motion was seconded. The document was approved to be moved to action unanimously by voice vote. R. Rupp motioned to approve the document and it was seconded. The document was approved unanimously by voice vote.
- FSD 16-35 P&T Provost Meeting Request (Faculty Affairs)
J. Pula states that there was not a lot of response when he asked the deans for a list of people on the P&T committees. This motion asks the Provost to convene a meeting of the P&T process to get everyone on the same page at the beginning of the year. Provost Mueller agrees this would be great and will encourage the deans to put for the information. He would like to have regular workshops to clarify the process but we don’t yet have policies and procedures we can use. There has been a recommendation and request to not have formal meetings with the candidates before we have policies and procedures. J. Duzinkiewicz asked when that be resolved. Provost Mueller says we must come to a conclusion in the early summer. J. Pula states there has been a policy in place and why is this coming to the floor now. G. Schultz responded that there is no consistent policy/procedure for PNW and it caused confusion. T. Elmendorf motions to move this document to action and the motion is seconded. The document was approved to be moved to action unanimously by voice vote. F. Wang motioned to approve the document and the motion was seconded. J. Duzinkiewicz requests that the meeting take place the week faculty report back to campus. P. Hecht finds it disturbing that our chief academic officer doesn’t recognize the past policy and recommends a taskforce. He wants the taskforce to be part of the language of the proposal as an amendment. G. Schultz called to question to approve the amendment. Voice vote was too close to call. Show of hands vote; tally results are 15 No and 13 Yes, the amendment is not approved. The original document without the amendment was voted and approved unanimously by voice vote.
- FSD 16-36 Faculty Senate Schedule for 2017-2018
D. Wilbur motioned to move this document to action and the motion was seconded. J. Duzinkiewicz would like the August 25 Organization Meeting moved to the week faculty return to campus. D. Whitten stated that the departments and colleges host their meetings that week. The document was approved to be moved to action unanimously by voice vote. Motion to approve the document and the motion was seconded. The document was approved unanimously by voice vote.
- FSD 16-29 P&T Campus Committee Change (Faculty Affairs)
- Curriculum Document Approval
- Determination of quorum
Documents and Reports for Information
- None
- Remarks by the Representative(s) of the Student Government(s)De’Joie Simmons, SGA President suggested to be moved up in the agenda and it is duly noted. He had but a few suggested/concerns.
- Asks if the grocery store can come back to the Hammond campus;
- There is a push for some sort of 24 hour workspace on campus;
- Starting a network of students who can talk about their college or class experiences to help other students; and
- The bus service is great, but maybe get a smaller bus for efficiency.
J. Duzinkiewicz asks if the students were polled about unification and their opinions. Mr. Simmons said the unification has cost more money.
- Remarks by the University Senate/Intercampus Faculty Council Representative(s)
A report was submitted, but due to lack of time and commencement at Hammond, no report was given.
- Open DiscussionDue to lack of time and commencement at Hammond, there was no open discussion.
- Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 1:12 P.M.