FSD 16-30 Graduate Curriculum Report for Spring, 2017
Faculty Senate Document 16-14
Submission Date: (Executive Committee)
Senate Action and Date:
- For Information, 5/05/2017
Please find attached the Spring 2017 graduate curriculum report for Faculty Senate. This report lists are requests received to date for graduate curriculum, and reflects approvals/denials for any items listed on the Fall 16 report which have received a decision in West Lafayette (WL). There are two more Grad Council meetings in WL before the end of the year, so there may be some additional approvals for this semester.
Just a note: proposed course numbers are tentative, and may be changed during the process. They will not be final until entered by the WL Registrar.
PNW Graduate Curriculum Requests
Spring 2017 PNW Faculty Senate Report
I. Courses
Pending Course Requests For PWL Grad Council Approval
- CDFS 64300 Children in Family Therapy
- CDFS 64400 Trauma and Recovery in Family Therapy
- CDFS 64600 Contemporary Issues in Family Therapy
- CDFS 64500 Couple and Sex Therapy
- CDFS 64700 Diversity and Social Justice in Family Therapy
- CDFS 67600 Psychopathology and Behavior Disorders for Family Service
Professionals - CDFS 648 Applied Multivariate Analysis
- CDFS 6xx00 Administration of Social Service Not-for-Profit Agencies
- CE 53910 Advanced Hydraulics
- CE 52910 Matrix Analysis of Structures
- CE 53210 Bridge Engineering (Fundamentals of Design of Steel Girder Bridges)
- CE 54810 Theory of Plates and Shells
- CE 53610 Numerical Methods in Engineering
- CE 53410 GIS and Remote Sensing Applications in Civil Engineering
- CE 53400 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
- CE 53710 Optimization and Simulation Models
- CS 51510 Algorithms
- CS 51520 Operating Systems
- CS 51530 Programming Languages, Interpreters & Compilers
- CS 51540 Object Oriented Design, Analysis and Programming
- CS 51560 Software Engineering
- CS 51570 Computer Architecture
- CS 51580 Computer Graphics
- CS 51590 Parallel Computing
- CS 52510 Distributed Systems
- HDFS 69000 Directed Research in HDFS
- NUR67600 Knowledge Translation for Transforming Healthcare
- NUR 667700 Cognate Residency: Knowledge Translation
Approved Course Requests
- ME 53600 Numerical Methods in Engineering
- CE 50910 Watershed Management
- NUR 66100 Theories and Principles of Teaching and Learning in Nursing Education
Course Requests For Grad School Administrative Approval
- NUR 66000 Teaching Strategies for Nursing (Admin changes)
- NUR 50100 Foundations of Adv Practice in Nursing (Admin changes in attributes)
- ECET 59000 Spec Problems in ECET
- MET 59000 Spec problems in MET
- ECET 58100 Workshop in ECET
- MET 58100 Workshop in MET
- NUR 66200 Teaching Strategies for Nursing
Approved Course Requests For Grad School Administrative Approval
- CE 53430 Advanced Civil Engineering Projects (variable title, variable credit)
- CE 59701 Selected Topics in Civil Engineering (variable title, variable credit)
- MGMT 68301 Management Information Systems (replaces MGMT 683)
II. Certificates
Graduate Certificate Requests Pending Before WL Grad Council
- None
Approved Graduate Certificate Requests
- Expressive Arts Counseling Grad Certificate for Education—Approved Jan 2017
III. Other Requests
Requests For Administrative Approval Of Other Curriculum Requests
- Civil Engineering Concentration for MSE: Interdisciplinary Engineering
Approved Other Curriculum Requests
- MS in Education–Approved
- Updated plan of study for Instructional Technology—School Based
- Updated plan of study for Instructional Technology—Non-School Based
- Updated Plan of study for Education Administration
Denied Other Curriculum Requests
- MSMSV-Transfer of administrative oversight to College of Engineering and Sciences – Denied
IV. PNW Requests
Pending Before PNW Grad Council
- None—all have moved to PWL
Concentration and Graduate Certificate requests pending before PNW Grad Council
- Forensic Investigation concentration for MBA (pending revisions in College)