FSD 17-04 – Revisions to the Bylaws of the PNW Faculty Senate

August 29, 2017

Purdue University Northwest Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Document 17-04

Submission Date: 8/29/2017 (Executive Committee)

Senate Action and Date:

  • For Action, 9/8/2017;
  • Approved, 9/8/2017;

Bylaws of the Purdue University Northwest Senate

8/29/17 Version


The Faculty of Purdue University Northwest have in their Constitution established the Senate and have assigned to it the legislative and policy making functions whereby the Faculty will exercise those powers, assume those rights and privileges, and fulfill those responsibilities to ensure review, discussion, and action on issues, plans, and policies entrusted to them by the Trustees of Purdue University.

The Senate of Purdue University Northwest adopts the following Bylaws in order to define the procedures by which it will carry out those functions assigned to it.



The Faculty consists of all those who teach or hold academic rank (see Article I.A of the Constitution). This includes:

  • Tenured and tenure-track faculty
  • Clinical professional faculty
  • Research faculty
  • Administrators holding faculty rank
  • Limited-term lecturers
  • Continuing lecturers
  • Other adjunct faculty
  • Visiting instructors of any rank
  • Emeritus faculty

Voting Faculty

Voting Faculty may vote in university-wide elections, as those elections are defined in these Bylaws (and see Article I.B of the Constitution). Voting Faculty shall consist of:

  • All tenured and tenure-track faculty
  • Clinical professional faculty
  • Administrators with academic rank

Academic Unit

An academic unit is defined as the smallest administrative unit to which faculty are assigned, typically a department, but possibly also a School that is not divided into departments, or a College not divided into Schools or Departments. The Library is an academic unit.

Standing Committees

All standing committees shall consist of senators and shall have as their purview those specific purposes and functions as defined in these Bylaws. Standing committees of the Faculty Senate shall initiate development projects for matters under their purview and shall undertake the necessary study and research needed to present such projects to the Senate for further action and implementation.

Standing Subordinate Committees

All standing subordinate committees shall consist of Faculty. The purposes and functions of standing subordinate committees shall be defined in these Bylaws.

Ad Hoc Committees

Ad hoc committees will be established to accomplish specific tasks or consider specific issues that do not fall under the regular purview of a specific standing committee or subordinate committee or which fall under the purview of more than one. Ad hoc committees shall be dissolved by the Senate when their work is done.

Throughout this document, the term “Faculty,” capitalized and not otherwise modified, shall refer to the members of the Faculty of Purdue University Northwest as defined in the Constitution of the Faculty of Purdue University Northwest.

The term “Senate,” capitalized and not otherwise modified, shall refer to the Faculty Senate of Purdue University Northwest.

The term “Constitution,” capitalized and not otherwise modified, shall refer to the Constitution of the Faculty of Purdue University Northwest.

The term “Bylaws,” capitalized and not otherwise modified, shall refer to this document, the Bylaws of the Purdue University Northwest Senate, as most recently approved by the Faculty Senate.

Article I: Powers Of The Senate And Faculty

A. Senate

The Senate is the governing body of the faculty, and it exercises the legislative and policy-making powers assigned to the faculty, and is accountable to the faculty according to the procedures set forth below. Subject to the authority of the Board of Trustees and in consultation with the Chancellor and/or President, the Senate has the power and responsibility to propose and adopt policies, regulations, and procedures intended to achieve the educational objectives of PNW and to maintain and improve the general welfare of those involved in these educational processes.

B. Faculty Oversight

This section provides the processes to implement faculty review of Senate actions either when voting faculty reject an action of the Senate at a Convocation of the Faculty, or when voting faculty present a petition objecting to a Senate action, in accordance with Article VII in the PNW Constitution.

  1. In either case, the Executive Committee shall be convened immediately by the Chair and shall notify all members of the Senate of the action and refer the matter to the appropriate committee for consideration. The appropriate committee shall present its recommendation at the next Senate meeting.
  2. If the Senate rescinds its action, no further action is necessary. If the Senate reaffirms its original action in either case above, the issue shall be submitted to the faculty for secret ballot vote to accept or reject the Senate’s reaffirmed vote within two weeks of the reaffirmation by Senate or at least one week before Spring Commencement, whichever is earlier. The Executive Committee shall accept and distribute with the ballot appropriate documents from proponents of a variety of views. The decision of a simple majority of the Voting Faculty returning a ballot shall be final.

Article II: Operation Of The Senate

A. Meetings

The Senate shall schedule at least eight regular meetings during the academic year. The meeting dates shall be set by Executive Committee and distributed by the Secretary. The regular meeting date will be on the second Friday of each month, September through May. The date of the regular meeting may, under unusual circumstances, be changed by not more than seven days by action of the Executive Committee and must be announced at least seven days in advance of the actual date of such a meeting.

The Senate may be convened for special sessions as specified in Article V.1 of the Constitution. Members of the Senate shall be given notice of the special session at the earliest possible date and not less than five school days before the meeting. Only subjects specifically listed in the proposed agenda for a special meeting may be considered at that meeting.

  1. Quorum

    As specified in Article V.2 of the Constitution, two-thirds of the voting members of the Senate shall constitute a quorum. No substitutes shall be permitted. The presence of a quorum shall be determined by the Secretary at the beginning of each meeting and at other times only at the request of a senator from the floor.

  2. Order of Business

    The normal order of business at each regular meeting of the Senate shall be as follows:

    1. Determination of Quorum
    2. Call to Order
    3. Approval of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Minutes of the previous meeting
    5. Remarks by the Chair
    6. Remarks by the Chancellor or Invited Guests
    7. Unfinished Business
    8. New Business
      1. Curriculum Documents Approval
      2. Senate Documents For Action
      3. Senate Documents For Discussion
      4. Documents and Reports For Information
    9. Remarks by the Representative of the Student Government
    10. Remarks by the University Senate/Intercampus Faculty Council Representative(s)
    11. Open Discussion
    12. Adjournment
  3. Agenda of Regular Sessions

    The agenda for a regular meeting of the Senate, as approved by the Executive Committee, as well as appropriate documents, shall be distributed by the Secretary to the Faculty at least one week before that meeting.

  4. Agenda of Special Sessions

    In the case of special meetings, the agenda shall be available to the Faculty at least one week before the meeting. The Executive Committee shall indicate which Senate documents are to be considered, what committees are to report, and what petitions are to be presented. Allotments of time for presentation of reports or documents may be indicated. After the agenda for a meeting has been accepted by the Senate, the order in which items are dealt with, and specific allotments of time, shall be changed only by majority vote. Any Senator may propose such a vote.

  5. Numbering of Documents

    The Secretary shall assign an identifying number to all documents which are placed on the agenda of a Senate meeting

  6. Disposition of Documents

    The standing committee chairs shall indicate the disposition of documents brought forward for Senate consideration as follows: “For Action”-for documents to be discussed and voted on in the meeting; “For Discussion”-for documents to be discussed in the meeting; “For Information”-for documents providing information to the Senate. No document may be brought forward “for action” unless it has been considered at a previous Senate meeting “for discussion.” Exceptions may only be granted by the entire Senate through a suspension of the rules requiring a minimum 2/3 majority of those Senators present and voting.

  7. Voting
    1. Decisions of the Senate shall be determined by a majority of voting members present, unless contrary requirements are specified elsewhere in the Bylaws or in the Constitution.
    2. Any voting senator may request that the Secretary call the roll of senators for the purpose of recording individual votes. The entire record of the roll-call vote shall be incorporated into the minutes of the meeting. This request shall be granted without debate. The roll-call vote shall supersede any other vote on the same motion. This roll-call rule shall apply except in cases where secret ballots are specified by the Constitution or when two or more persons have been nominated for the same elective position. Secret written ballots shall be used in the latter case.
  8. Implementation of Senate Actions

    The Chair of the Senate shall be responsible for taking the appropriate actions called for by decisions of the Senate.

B. Minutes

The minutes of each meeting shall be posted on the Senate’s website within two weeks following the meeting. Recordings of all meetings shall be kept on file by the Secretary for two years. These recordings shall be available to any Faculty member, but their review shall be under the supervision of the Secretary of the Senate or the Secretary’s designee.

C. Attendance at Meetings

  1. Meetings of the Senate shall be open to anyone who wishes to attend as an observer.
  2. Executive Sessions At any meeting, the Senate may declare itself in executive session by a majority vote of the voting senators present, and thereby exclude all observers as defined in Bylaws Article II.C.1. Observers explicitly designated by majority vote of the voting senators present may remain in attendance. The purpose of the executive session is for discussion only, and no decisions of the Senate shall be made while in executive session.
  3. All Senators are expected to attend each regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate. Senators who miss two regular meetings in one academic year automatically forfeit their seats. Formal requests for exceptions must be approved by the Chair.

Article III: Composition

A. Faculty

The composition of the Purdue University Northwest (PNW) Faculty is specified in Article I.A of the Constitution. Voting Faculty, as defined by Article I.B of the Constitution, may vote in University-wide elections, such as ratification of the Constitution, votes taken at Convocations of PNW (Article VIII of the Constitution), and votes required when Senate actions are called into question (Article VII of the Constitution). Voting at University-wide elections occurs by secret ballot, paper or electronic.

B. Senate

  1. Membership of the Senate
    1. Senators elected as specified in Article IV.A.1 of the Constitution, and further specified in Article IV.C of the Constitution
    2. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Senate, ex officio, with vote.
    3. The President of the University, ex officio, without vote
    4. The Chancellor of PNW, ex officio, without vote
    5. The Vice Chancellors for Academic Affairs, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, Information Services, Finance/Administrative Services, and Institutional Advancement, all ex officio, without vote
  2. Proportional Representation
    1. Proportional representation by the Academic Units approved by the Board of Trustees (excluding the Honors College) shall take place after the initial two-year interim equal representation Senate period (2016-18, as specified in Article IV.A of the Constitution).
    2. Total number of all senators shall not be less than 14% of the total number of voting faculty (tenured, tenure-track, clinical professionals, administrators with academic rank) at PNW.
    3. Academic Units with 1-10 Voting Faculty members shall elect one representative; academic units with 11-20 Voting Faculty members shall elect two representatives; academic units with 21-30 Voting Faculty members shall elect three representatives; and academic units with 31 or more Voting Faculty members shall elect four representatives. The Library unit shall have one representative.
    4. At-large senators shall be elected annually to meet the 14% faculty level required for the Senate, once the number of Voting Faculty is verified annually with the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs/Provost’s office.
    5. The President, Chancellor, and all Vice Chancellors listed in III.b.1.e are ex officio, without vote.
  3. Officers of the Senate
    1. The Officers of the Senate shall be as specified in Article IV.B of the Constitution.
    2. Election of Officers
      1. In April of each year the sitting members of the Senate shall elect a Vice-Chair Elect of the Senate from among the members of the sitting Senate, except in the situation specified in Section III.B.3.g.ii below.
      2. The Vice-Chair Elect shall immediately become an extra member of the Senate, whose previous seat shall be filled according to the provisions of III.B.5.c, below. The Vice-Chair Elect shall immediately become an extra member of the Executive Committee, with vote, and a member of the Senate leadership, along with the Chair and Vice Chair.
    3. The terms of all Officers of the Senate shall begin one week before the first Executive Committee meeting of the fall. At that point the Vice-Chair Elect shall become Vice-Chair, and the Chair-elect (in 2018) or Vice-Chair (in 2019 and beyond) shall become Chair.
    4. The Chair leads the Senate and shall serve as the Presiding Officer at the Senate meeting with vote, and convenes any special meetings of the Senate. The Chair shall represent the Senate in all internal or external activities/committees concerning the Faculty and on bodies requesting that the Chair of the Senate be present. The Chair shall meet regularly with the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs/Provost to present the Senate’s views and to make sure the decisions of the Senate are executed. The Chair shall represent the faculty at the Board of Trustees of Purdue University meetings and report to them on the PNW Senate’s activities. The Chair shall convene the Executive Committee of the Senate when needed and shall serve as its Chair. The Chair of the Senate shall serve on any Chancellor Search Committee.
    5. The Vice Chair shall work closely with the Chair and succeed the Chair when his or her term expires. The Vice Chair of the Senate shall Chair the Agenda Subcommittee of the Senate. Should the Chair of the Senate be unable to complete any of his or her duties, the Vice Chair will carry them out. The Vice Chair shall have Senate archival approval along with the Secretary and Chair. The Vice Chair will serve on any Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs/Provost Search Committee. The Vice Chair will research issues at the Chair’s request. The Vice Chair shall accompany the Chair to the regular meetings with the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs/Provost. After the end of the spring academic term, and until the beginning of the terms of new Senate officers, the Senate leadership shall consist of the sitting Chair, the sitting Vice Chair, and the Vice Chair-Elect.
    6. The Secretary shall maintain records of attendance and minutes for the Senate meetings, for the Agenda Subcommittee meetings, and for the Executive Committee meetings. The Secretary is appointed by the Chair and approved by the Agenda Committee (as specified in Article IV.B.3 of the Constitution). Responsibilities of the Secretary include maintaining records of attendance, recordings of Senate meetings, taking minutes of meetings, distribution of documents and minutes, distribution of annual reports, maintaining the Senate website, and archiving of Senate documents with the Library. The Secretary shall distribute Agendas and documents required by any committee.
    7. Should the office of the Chair of the Senate become vacant during the Fall semester, the Vice-Chair shall become Chair, and serve out the remainder of the term. The Senate shall elect a new Vice-Chair from among its members at its first meeting following the occurrence of the vacancy in the office of the Chair.The new Vice-Chair will become Chair the following Fall, according to the normal procedures laid out in Bylaws III.B.3.b, and a Vice-Chair Elect shall be elected in April, as in Bylaws III.B.3.a. The Parliamentarian shall be selected by the Chair of the Senate to advise on the use of Robert’s Rules of Order during Senate meetings and to guide the Chair, Vice Chair, and Standing Committee Chairs on Senate actions. The Parliamentarian serves without vote.
    8. Vacancies in office of any of the officers.
      1. Should the office of the Chair of the Senate become vacant during the Fall semester, the Vice-Chair shall become Chair, and serve out the remainder of the term. The Senate shall elect a new Vice-Chair from among its members at its first meeting following the occurrence of the vacancy in the office of the Chair.The new Vice-Chair will become Chair the following Fall, according to the normal procedures laid out in Bylaws III.B.3.b, and a Vice-Chair Elect shall be elected in April, as in Bylaws III.B.3.a.
      2. Should the office of the Chair of the Senate become vacant during the Spring semester, the Vice-Chair shall become Chair, and serve as Chair for the remainder of the semester and for the following academic year. The Senate shall elect a new Vice-Chair from among its members at its first meeting following the occurrence of the vacancy in the office of the Chair.  The new Vice-Chair shall serve for the remainder of the semester and for the following academic year.  No election of Vice-Chair Elect shall take place until the following academic year.
      3. Should the office of the Vice-Chair become vacant for any reason other than the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of the Chair, the Senate shall elect a new Vice-Chair at the next meeting following the occurrence of the vacancy.
        1. Any vacancies in the offices of Secretary or Parliamentarian shall be filled by appointment by the Chair.
        2. Any vacancy in office of an officer of the Senate not considered by this section shall be filled by action of the Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the Senate.
  4. Election of Senators
    1. Guidelines for elections by academic units.
      1. Academic units shall determine the method of and complete the election of their senators by March 1st and report the results to the Secretary and to the Senate Nominating Committee Chair immediately thereafter.
      2. Tenured and tenure-track faculty, clinical professional faculty, and administrators with academic rank with teaching appointment of at least 0.5 FTE and no supervisory duties over faculty, are eligible to participate in elections of senators and to serve as senators.
      3. The normal term of an elected senator, following the transitional period of 2016-2018, shall be three years, beginning one week before the first Senate meeting of the fall academic term following her or his election.
      4. The first election following adoption of a proportional body (refer to Article IV.A.1 of the Constitution), will stagger the Senate terms so that each academic unit elects senators for one-year, two-year, and three-year terms, depending upon the number of senators for that academic unit. If there is only one senator, the term is three years. If two senators elected, the terms are two and three years respectively.
    2. Guidelines for election of at-large senators
      1. The Senate Nominations and Awards Committee shall determine the number of at-large senators to be elected. The Committee shall solicit nominations from the faculty after receiving the results of the elections by academic units, with the results to be published no later than April 1st. The election for at-large senators shall be conducted by the Committee before April 15th.
      2. The normal term of an at-large senator shall be three years, beginning one week before the first Senate meeting of the fall academic term following her or his election.
      3. After the first election following adoption of a proportional body (see Article IV.A.1 of the Constitution), the Nominations and Awards Committee will recommend to the Senate a staggering of terms for at-large senators which expire after one year, two years, and three years of service, so that equal numbers expire each year.
  5. Replacement and Removal of Senators
    1. Resignation of a SenatorA senator resigning shall notify the Secretary in writing. The Secretary, upon receiving written notice, shall notify the academic unit of the resignation. The replacement occurs as specified in “c” below.
    2. Removal of a Senator
      1. In the event that any senator incurs two unexcused Senate meeting absences or if a standing committee Chair reports unexcused absences within the academic year, the Secretary shall notify the senator’s academic unit. The academic unit shall determine a replacement.
      2. The Senate may unseat a member whose behavior or actions habitually obstruct the normal parliamentary procedures or conduct of the Senate. A motion to unseat may be made by any voting member of Senate and must be supported by evidence. Removal must be by secret ballot of two-thirds of all current Senate members, not limited to those present.
    3. Replacement of a SenatorAcademic units shall be responsible for filling the vacant unexpired terms of their senators and notifying the Secretary. The Senate Nominations and Awards Committee shall conduct a mid-year election to fill the vacant unexpired terms of at-large senators. Results shall be reported to the Secretary.

C. Committees of the Senate

  1. The Standing Committees of the Senate
    1. All standing committees shall initiate projects, propose policies and resolutions, and monitor matters under their purview.
    2. The Standing Committees of the Senate shall be:
      1. Executive Committee
      2. Curriculum Committee
      3. General Education and Assessment Steering Committee
      4. Educational Policy Committee
      5. Faculty Affairs Committee
      6. Nominations and Awards Committee
      7. Student Affairs Committee
  2. The Subordinate Committees of the Senate

    All subordinate committees shall report to a standing committee of the Senate at least once during the semester. Subordinate committees must consist of at least three members with representation from both campuses.

  3. Ad Hoc Committees of the Senate
    1. The Senate shall have the authority to establish ad hoc committees on an as-needed basis. Any standing committee or subordinate committee may propose the establishment of an ad hoc committee.
    2. An ad hoc committee will be established to accomplish specific tasks or consider specific issues that do not fall under the regular purview of a specific standing committee or subordinate committee or which fall under the purview of more than one.
    3. An ad hoc committee shall be constituted according to the resolution of the Senate which establishes it and its members shall serve until the charge of the committee is accomplished or until the Senate dismisses it.

    Ad hoc committees shall be responsible to and report their deliberations, progress, and findings to the Senate, or to the standing committee or subordinate committee to which their establishing resolutions require them to report.

  4. General Procedures and Guidelines
      1. Purpose

        All standing committees, subordinate committees, and ad hoc committees shall be ultimately responsible to the Senate.

        1. Each committee may initiate projects, propose policies and resolutions, and monitor matters under its purview.
        2. Each committee shall also consider items of concern referred to them by the Senate, the Executive Committee, the Chair or Vice-Chair of Senate.
      2. Membership

        All elected senators, except the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Senate, shall serve on at least one, but no more than two, of the standing committees of the Senate. The student government representative shall serve on the Student Affairs Committee with vote. All committee assignments, with the exception of service on the Executive Committee, or any reorganization of the standing committees, shall be for the duration of a senator’s term on the Senate.

        Committee membership, except for the Executive Committee, shall be determined from lists of nominees presented by the Nominations and Awards Committee to the Senate for final approval no later than the last Senate meeting of the academic year. Additional nominations may be made from the floor of the Senate. Exceptional circumstances, such as standing committee reorganization, shall be determined by the executive committee and subject to the approval of the Senate.

      3. Meetings
        1. Meetings of standing committees, subordinate committees, and ad hoc committees, are open only to members of the committee. Members of the faculty and other persons may be invited by the committee through its Chair to attend as observers or guests or to serve as resource persons. Members of the faculty and other persons may request such an invitation, and the committee shall consider the request but shall not be obligated to extend an invitation.
        2. Members of the press shall be admitted only as guests and only by specific invitation of the committee through its Chair. Observers and guests shall be permitted to speak only upon specific invitation and recognition by the Chair of the committee.
        3. At any meeting, the committee may declare the meeting closed by a majority vote of the committee members present, and thereby exclude all associate members, resource persons, liaisons, visitors and observers not explicitly excepted in the motion of declaration.
      4. Chairs of the Senate Committees

        Each committee shall elect a Chair, prior to the last regular Senate meeting, who shall hold that office for a one-year term, and is eligible for reelection once. This requirement shall go into effect in the Spring of 2019. The standing committees for 2018-19 shall elect a Chair at their initial meetings in the Fall of 2018. The name of the newly elected Chair shall be forwarded to the Nominations and Awards Committee and to the Secretary. Chairs of Senate committees shall begin their terms of service one week before the first Executive Committee meeting of the fall.

  5. Reporting of the Senate Committees
      1. Each standing committee of Senate shall provide a brief written report to the Secretary seven days before each Senate meeting describing the committee’s activity during the preceding month. This report shall include issues before the committee, the name of its Chair and its members and associate members, and its next scheduled meeting date. If the committee has a proposal requiring Senate action, such a proposal shall be submitted separately to the Secretary.
      2. Each subcommittee, standing or ad hoc, of a Senate committee shall provide a brief written report to the Chair of its parent committee seven days before each meeting of the parent committee describing the subcommittee’s activity during the preceding month. This report shall include issues before the submcommittee, the name of its Chair and its members and associated members, and its next scheduled meeting date. If the subcommittee has a proposal which would require Senate action, such a proposal shall be submitted separately to the Chair of the parent committee.
      3. Each Senate committee shall present a written report to the Senate annually describing the actions and accomplishments and those of its subcommittees, during the preceding academic year. These reports shall be submitted to the Secretary by May 15.
  6. Resource Persons

    Each senate committee may invite other individuals to serve as non-voting resource persons in their deliberations.

  7. Executive Committee of the Senate
    1. Purpose

      The purpose of the Executive Committee is the administration of the Senate.

    2. Membership

      The Chair of the Senate, Vice Chair of the Senate, and the Chair of each standing committee (except for the two-year transition period).

      1. The Secretary will serve on the committee without vote.
      2. The University Senate Representative will serve without vote.
      3. The Parliamentarian shall attend by invitation.
      4. The Senate Chair shall chair this committee.
    3. Functions
      1. Vote on the Senate meeting agenda as proposed by the Agenda Sub- committee.
      2. Act for the Senate in emergencies when time does not permit Senate action, and in the summer months when a quorum is not available. Actions under either circumstance shall be reviewed at the next official Senate meeting.
      3. Address University issues as determined by the committee.
        1. Purpose: The purpose of the Agenda Subcommittee is to provide the agenda for the Executive Committee meeting and an outline of the agenda for the Senate meeting.
          Agenda Subcommittee of the Executive Committee
        2. Membership: Vice Chair of the Senate, the Secretary, and Chair of the Senate. The Vice Chair of the Senate shall chair the Agenda Subcommittee.
        3. Functions: The Agenda Subcommittee shall solicit agenda items from the standing committees and the faculty at large, and compile the draft agenda to submit to the Executive Committee. All items submitted in a timely manner should be included in the draft agenda.
  8. Curriculum Committee
    1. Purpose

      The Curriculum Committee is established to ensure the timely and thoughtful consideration of all matters pertaining to the various curricula of PNW and to bring specific proposals to Senate for its approval. All curricular changes or proposals must be initiated by a faculty member and be approved by one or more of the college curriculum committees and only then proceed to the Curriculum Committee prior to full PNW Senate review.

    2. Membership
      1. At least five Senate members, but always an odd number, with representation from each college.
      2. A Chair will be elected from the group.
      3. There will be representation from both campus sites when possible.
      4. Unit Curriculum Committee Chairs upon invitation, serving without vote.
    3. Functions
      1. The Curriculum Committee shall meet at least monthly during the academic year, and as needed during the period following Commencement and the start of the new academic year, to consider documents forwarded to it by the curriculum committees of the various academic units, and matters of concern referred to it by the Senate, the Executive Committee, or the Chancellor.
      2. The Curriculum Committee shall review procedures annually and make revisions when necessary and present them to the Senate for approval.
      3. The Curriculum Committee shall develop a timetable by which curricular changes requiring the approval of Senate may be submitted in a timely manner. This timetable shall be presented to the Senate for its approval annually in April of each year. Proposed changes to this timetable require the approval of Senate and will take effect no sooner than two months after approval by Senate.
      4. Curricular changes require the approval of Senate and must be submitted to the Curriculum Committee according to the procedure and timetable approved by Senate. The changes requiring the approval of Senate shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
        • All courses already on the Purdue Master List to be added to the PNW catalog, and courses to be deleted from the PNW catalog.
        • All new courses not already on the Purdue Master List.
        • All changes to courses offered at PNW, including but not limited to credit hours, class or lab hours, course number, course title, course description, prerequisites, and co-requisites.
        • All instructional and examination procedures where responsibility does not lie with one of the schools of PNW.
        • All changes to plans of study and requirements for existing undergraduate and certificate programs.
        • All plans of study and requirements for proposed new undergraduate and certificate programs, including but not limited to majors, minors, concentrations, and options.
        • Any deletion or cancellation of an existing undergraduate or certificate program, including but not limited to majors, minors, concentrations, and options.
        • All dual credit, concurrent enrollment, transfer, articulation and course equivalency agreements, and changes thereto.

        Since the graduate curriculum is approved by the System Wide Purdue University Graduate School, all graduate curricular changes, including changes to graduate courses, programs, concentrations, certificates, plans of study, and degree requirements, shall be reported “for information” to the Senate in a timely manner (with new programs and courses, in the academic semester before implementation or before, and with other curricular changes, as soon as feasible).

      5. The Curriculum Committee may, at its own discretion, initiate the review of any curricular matter falling within their sphere of responsibility, including but not limited to the items listed above.
      6. The Curriculum Committee shall work with any curriculum committees established by the various academic units and groups to facilitate communication, coordination, and cooperation between and among such groups on curricular matters.
  9. General Education and Assessment Steering Committee
    1. Purpose

      This committee is the main point of contact between the faculty and two of its core responsibilities: defining the common educational goals for all PNW students, and defining how the university is accountable for achieving those goals while fostering continual innovation and improvement. It is also the conduit between the faculty and the assessment efforts of all university colleges, schools, and programs.

    2. Membership

      Seven (7) faculty members, ideally with representation from all colleges and both campus sites.

    3. Functions
      1. Foster a sense of educational identity for the university and a vision for its development
      2. Oversee PNW General Education policy and assessment, including Experiential Learning
      3. Promote a culture of continuous improvement
      4. Support, gather, and publish the Annual Assessment Report; oversee the Student Learning Assessment Plan
    4. First-Year Experience (FYE) and New Student Orientation (NSO) Subordinate Committee
      1. Purpose

        The FYE and NSO Subordinate Committee shall provide oversight and coordination of First-Year Experience courses and coordinate faculty involvement in New Student Orientations.

      2. Membership

        At least three (3) faculty members, and administrative officials as the committee deems appropriate, serving without vote.

      3. Functions
        1. Review proposals for new FYE courses and make recommendations to the GE and Assessment Steering Committee
        2. Work to promote continuity between FYE courses, and faculty involvement with recruiting and orientation of new students.
    5. Transfer Credit Steering Subordinate Committee
      1. Purpose

        Oversee transfer credit policies at PNW, establish policies and protocols pertaining to transfer credit, including international policies

      2. Membership

        At least (3) faculty members, and administrative officials as the committee deems appropriate, serving without vote.

      3. Functions
        1. Establishment of standards for transfer credit
        2. Working with Institutional Research and other academic units to review reports on and track patterns of transfer credit
        3. Staying abreast of state and national trends with respect to transfer credit
  10. Educational Policy Committee
    1. Purpose

      The Educational Policy Committee is established to ensure the timely and thoughtful consideration of all matters pertaining to the central educational mission, quality standards in admissions and advising, and academic administrative policies and procedures of PNW.

    2. Membership
      1. At least five Senate members, but always an odd number.
      2. A Chair will be elected from the group.
      3. There will be representation from both campus sites when possible.
      4. Invited administrative officers as the committee deems appropriate, without vote.
    3. Functions
      1. Faculty oversight of educational policy
        • Advise on changes in academic organization affecting the intellectual atmosphere and functioning of PNW, such as elimination or consolidation of existing colleges/departments/schools, or the establishment of interdepartmental institutes and centers.
        • Advise on matters pertaining to admissions, advising, registration, records and other matters within the purview of the Office of Enrollment Management, as they relate to rights and privileges of PNW faculty and students.
        • Advise on issues related to the Honors College, the International Programs Office and Concurrent Enrollment Program (dual credit) within the purview of the Office of Academic Affairs, as they relate to rights and privileges of PNW faculty and students.
        • Address issues related to evaluation of instruction, as well as methods, mode and formats of teaching.
        • Advise on issues relating to graduation requirements and accreditation standards.
        • Oversee and address issues related to library policies, calendar and class scheduling policies.
      2. The Educational Policy Committee shall consider policies and standards related to dual credit, concurrent enrollment, transferability, and articulation, particularly but not solely with reference to Purdue University system-wide transferability and with other academic institutions as may from time to time be included in formal transfer and articulation agreements. All such agreements must be approved by the Senate before they can take effect.
      3. The Educational Policy Committee shall consider general curriculum standards for all degree and certificate programs, including but not limited to plans of study, majors, minors, concentrations, transfer credits, honors designation, dual credit, and experiential learning designations, collaborating with other committees as needed.
      4. Reviewing and approving the undergraduate academic degree titles conferred by PNW.
    4. Honors College Subcommittee
      1. Purpose

        The Honors College Subcommittee is established to provide oversight of the design, delivery, and assessment of coursework and assessment of the Honors College curriculum.

      2. Membership (As amended, December 9, 2016)
        1. A total of five (5) faculty members from five (5) academic colleges representing both campus locations. Selected faculty members should have experience in teaching Honors courses. A co-chair should be elected from among the faculty members.
        2. One (1) member of Educational Policy Committee who should serve as a co-chair.
        3. Two (2) current students of Honors College who are in good academic standing (one female student and one male student). Student members will be full members with a vote.
        4. Each campus should be represented with fifty percent of the voting membership on the committee
        5. Deans of the Honors College, ex officio, without vote.
      3. Functions
        1. Review proposals for courses specifically designated as Honors College courses
        2. Review budget and use of resources of the Honors College.
        3. Work closely with the Educational Policy Committee and Curriculum Committee to ensure that all course proposals for Honors College credit are consistent with the goals and policies of the Senate
  11. Faculty Affairs Committee
    1. Purpose

      The purpose of the Faculty Affairs Committee shall be to address those matters that pertain to the responsibilities, rights, privileges, opportunities, and welfare of the faculty, collectively and as individuals including, but not limited to:

      1. Faculty rights, responsibilities, privileges and opportunities, relating to all categories of faculty, both individually and collectively with respect to equity, diversity, and affirmative action.
      2. Standards and procedures for appointment to and retention of faculty, achievement of tenure, and advancement in rank of faculty.
      3. Standards, procedures for faculty compensation and benefits, teaching load, working conditions, faculty evaluation and/or review, and work leave.
      4. Periodic evaluation of academic administration.
      5. Faculty development and faculty workshops.
      6. The Faculty Grievance Policy.
    2. Membership
      1. At least five Senate members, but always an odd number, with representation from each college.
      2. A Chair will be elected from the group.
      3. There will be representation from both campus sites when possible.
    3. Functions: The Faculty Affairs Committee shall advise on policies affecting:
      • The general welfare, privileges, awards, benefits, promotion, tenure, and responsibilities of the PNW faculty
      • Equity, diversity and affirmative action as well as discrimination/harassment as they concern faculty
      • Faculty development
    4. Budget and Resources Subordinate Committee
      1. Purpose

        The purpose of the Budget/Resources Subordinate Committee shall be to provide guidance and faculty input on the budgeting process and resources allocation.

      2. Membership

        At least five Faculty members, but always an odd number. A Chair will be elected from the Faculty members. There will be representation from both campus sites when possible. The Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration will serve ex officio, without vote.

      3. Functions
        1. Monitor the university budget, resource allocation, and the planning of physical facilities and staff when they affect the welfare of faculty.
        2. Create policy in the form of resolutions.
        3. Evaluate outcomes of policies/resolutions.
        4. Furnish regular reports to the Faculty Affairs Committee, for communication to the Senate.
    5. Faculty Development Subordinate Committee
      1. Purpose

        The Faculty Development Committee shall provide guidance and sponsorship for programs related to the development of faculty.

      2. Membership
        • At least five faculty members, but always an odd number.
        • The Director of Faculty Development and Leadership, ex-officio, without vote.
        • There will be representation from both campus sites when possible.
      3. Functions
        • Sponsor and/implement faculty development activities.
        • Monitor policies and procedures related to faculty development, for example new faculty orientation, and faculty workshops.
        • Create policy in the form of resolutions.
        • Report progress and resolutions to Faculty Affairs Committee.
        • Evaluate outcomes of policies/resolutions.
  12. Nominations and Awards Committee
    1. Purpose

      The Nominations and Awards Committee shall manage nominations related to senate committees, subordinate committees, and other university committees.

    2. Membership
      1. At least three Senate members, but always an odd number.
      2. There will be representation from both campus sites when possible.
    3. Functions
      1. Conduct Senate elections as stipulated by Bylaws Article III.B.4.
      2. Monitor policies and procedures related to faculty awards and nominations.
      3. Create policy in the form of resolutions.
      4. Evaluate outcome of policies/resolutions.
      5. Prepare slates of faculty candidates for all committees on which faculty serve.
  13. Student Affairs Committee
    1. Purpose

      The Student Affairs Committee is to ensure the timely and thoughtful consideration of matters pertaining to the general social, cultural, and practical welfare of all students of PNW.

    2. Membership
      1. At least five faculty senators. A Chair will be elected from the faculty senators.
      2. There will be representation from both campus sites when possible.
      3. One undergraduate student representative from the Student Government Association, with vote.
      4. The Vice Chancellor responsible for Student Affairs, serving without vote.
    3. Functions

      The Student Affairs Committee shall recommend policies, regulations and procedures needed to achieve the educational objectives and promote the general social, cultural, and practical welfare of the students of PNW. Specific non-classroom matters of concern to this committee shall include, but not be limited to:

      1. Considering any recommendation of the PNW student governance body whenever it receives the request to do so from that body.
      2. Establishing policies governing student participation in extracurricular activities, including intramural athletics.
      3. Establishing and advising on policies governing the conduct and discipline of students at PNW.
      4. Establishing and advising on policies affecting the general welfare of the students of PNW, including arts, scholarships and loans, health and counseling, living conditions, veteran affairs, provision of equal rights and opportunities, and any other matters which would enhance the University environment of the student for learning and living.
      5. Establishing and advising on policies governing student activism, organizations, newspaper, and electronic communication.
    4. Athletics Policies Subordinate Committee
      1. The purposes of this committee shall be to review intercollegiate athletics, student wellness and fitness, and recreation and intramural sports policies and suggest revisions to the Students Affairs Committee.
      2. The Chair of the Committee shall be the Senate Chair Elect.
      3. The members shall be the faculty members of the Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Committee appointed by the Chancellor.
    5. Academic Integrity and Grade Appeals Subordinate Committee
      1. This committee shall be formed and operate in accordance with Senate documents 16-06 and 16-07.

    Article IV: Amendments To The Bylaws

    Amendments to these Bylaws may be initiated by any member of the Faculty. The proposed amendment must be distributed with the agenda of a regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate and discussed at that meeting. The proposed amendment, with or without changes, may be adopted by a vote of two-thirds of those senators present at the subsequent Senate meeting. Suspension of rules is not permitted in considering proposed amendments to the Bylaws.

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