Faculty Senate Minutes – Friday, November 11, 2016
SUL 321, Hammond Campus
Voting Members Present:
A. Angriawan, M. Block, C. Boiarsky, R. Brusca-Vega, C.V. Chandramouli, B. Chen, D. Detmer, J. Duzinkiewicz, T. Elmendorf, M. Fathizadeh, J. Garwood, J. Hack, P. Hecht, E. James, G. Jin, J. Kuhn, Y. Lee, S. Mo, S. Nakayama, N. Nemeth, N. Patel, L. Pelter, J. Pula, V. Quinn, S. Rezak, C. Roper, P. Rose, R. Rupp, G. Schultz, K. Scipes, S. Smithson, S. Trekles, F. Wang, E. Weber, D. Whitten, D. Wilbur, N. Zeytinoglu.
Voting Members Absent:
T. Dobrowski, A. Kokalov, J. Spores, L. Tan, J. Thomas.
Non-voting Members Present:
S. Lerner, R. Biddings-Muro, R. Mueller, C. Panlilio, T. Winders.
Others present:
R. Allan, C. Buchmeier, J. Colwell, L. Goodnight, B. Law, A. Lopez, M. Lynn, W. Lukoshus, B. Miller, P. Riesmeyer, H. Saporiti, R. Stankowski, S. Steele, M. Watson, Z. Jakubowski.
- Determination of quorumA quorum was declared at 10:02 A.M.
- Call to OrderThe meeting was called to order by Chair D. Wilbur.
- Approval of the AgendaR. Rupp raised concern about the length of time spent considering the agenda at the October meeting. He asked that senators who had similar concerns to speak rather than allow a few individuals to dominate the discussion. J. Duzinkiewicz said the content of the agenda needed to be thoroughly discussed if needed. The proposed agenda was approved unanimously by voice vote.
- Approval of the Minutes of the October 14, 2016 meetingF. Wang moved to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2016 meeting. G. Schultz seconded. The minutes were approved by voice vote.
- Remarks by the ChairThe chair reviewed the continuing effort to organize the Senate’s committees and the need to recruit additional faculty members to serve on many university committees. He said that the Senate committees should be permitted to work on the many pending issues and the Executive Committee should be active in drafting resolutions in only the most extreme cases.
- Remarks by the Chancellor or Invited Guests (R. Mueller, B. Stankowski)R. Mueller provided an update on recent discussions with Senate leaders about concurrent enrollment. He said there is general agreement among Senate leaders, the chancellor and himself on the management of the program. He emphasized five points: commitment to academic excellence, PNW courses should have consistent quality regardless of where or how the course is offered, working memoranda of understanding need to be in place with the local schools, valid articulation agreements need to be in place with the local schools, and qualified individuals need to be teaching the courses.
In response to a question about the timeline for proper teacher certification, the provost said the HLC deadline is the beginning of Fall Semester, 2017, though there are rumors that the deadline may be extended. The provost discussed the possibility of making exceptions for capable teachers who were close to finishing the courses required to achieve certification. In response to a question about the prospect of support for these teachers, B. Law indicated that PNW does not provide support, but the state is considering providing stipends.
B. Stankowski outlined the functions of the new Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness. The office seeks to unify such university functions as accreditation, assessment, and institutional research. The plan is for the office to offer self-service reports and functions. She said the office will soon distribute a survey among faculty to learn what type of reports and data are desired. The office will also create and monitor goals for continuous improvement. In response to questions from senators, she pledged to provide technical support for faculty and help programs track the activities of alumni.
- Unfinished BusinessNone.
- New Business
- Curriculum Document ApprovalNo documents.
- Senate Documents For ActionFSD 16-01, PNW Curriculum Procedures (DOCX) (Curriculum)
D. Whitten introduced the document for action. She made the motion to approve the document and it was seconded. J. Hack said a number of edits to the document had not been made since the October meeting, including references requiring the use of term “concentration.” Discussion also ensued about the guidelines for offering temporary courses. J. Hack noted that the check box for the Experiential Learning program had been deleted from the version of the document that had been posted for discussion in October. A lengthy discussion ensued over whether Experiential Learning should be acknowledged on the document, since the program has not been adopted for PNW. D. Whitten opposed including the Experiential Learning check box because the program does not exist for PNW. J. Hack argued that Experiential Learning exists on the Hammond campus. F. Wang said the existence of the Experiential Learning program on the Hammond campus should be respected. C. V. Chandramouli argued that the check box should be included, citing the fact that ExL courses in Engineering are being taught on both campuses. E. Weber suggested that Experiential Learning be acknowledged on the document for historical and archival purposes. J. Hack offered a friendly amendment to include the check box for Experiential Learning in the same location as in the version of the document offered for discussion in October. J. Pula suggested that the document be tabled for a month or two. C. Boiarsky suggested the Experiential Learning designation be listed for the Hammond campus only. J. Hack said she sought only a check box and did not want a campus specific notation. C. Roper suggested that the document be tabled. D. Whitten seconded. P. Hecht opposed tabling the document because it would cause a delay in beginning the curriculum process. D. Whitten said the curriculum committee would not know what do with new ExL requests. M. Block said the lack of acknowledgment of ExL denies that it can be listed on student transcripts and can be taught. C. Roper urged that the current situation should not be permitted to harm Hammond campus students for whom ExL was a graduation requirement; she was concerned about the management of curriculum documents for the new PNW. C.V. Chandramouli suggested the ExL designation was needed to modify existing courses. J. Duzinkiewicz asked for a secret vote on the motion to table the document. A secret paper ballot was circulated and tabulated: 9 votes to table, 25 votes not to table. The document was not tabled. J. Pula suggested that an ad hoc committee be formed to study the future of ExL and provide a report at the December Senate meeting. Another suggestion was made to include ExL designation in a notes section. J. Hack suggested that having the check box was needed to allow the registrar to track courses and the designation said nothing about the future policy for PNW. A motion was made to approve FSD 16-01, PNW Curriculum Procedures, with a friendly amendment to include a box indicating courses currently designated as ExL. The motion was approved by voice vote.
- Senate Documents For DiscussionFSD 16-02, Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (Executive Committee)
G. Schultz presented the document for discussion and provided a summary of the recent history of Senate oversight of intercollegiate athletics. He said the desire was to list the document for action at the December meeting.
J. Pula suggested two changes that emphasized the committee’s obligation to “recommend” policies and procedures to the Senate in sections C i and C iv. J. Duzinkiewicz said that the document’s language needs to be more directly linked to the university’s mission statement. F. Wang emphasized that the Senate has the power to establish policy rather than the committee. The document will be revised and placed for action on the December agenda.FSD 16-03, PNW Attendance Policy (DOCX) (Student Affairs)
T. Elmendorf introduced the document and explained the history of this issue on the Hammond campus. The PUC Senate passed a resolution on the issue, while the PNC Senate did not. Slight changes were made to the document for presentation for discussion. The document provides for excusing students from class for recognized university activities, though faculty members retain the right to approve or disapprove of the absence. The policy provides no opportunity to appeal a faculty member’s decision. A form has been created in the office of the provost/vice chancellor for academic affairs. T. Elmendorf said the present version of the document mentions athletes because of the desire to protect them from any form of punishment if the absence is not recognized. Discussion ensued about specific attendance incidents cited by senators. K. Scipes criticized the document as creating excessive “bureaucracy.” F. Wang said the provost’s office serves as a clearinghouse for the form and does not support or sanction requests. J. Hack inquired about any timeline required by the policy. T. Elmendorf said the committee decided against prescribing a timeline. G. Schultz said the policy allows faculty members to have control over attendance issues; he added that the provost would prefer not to be involved in the process and instead prefers that faculty members handle it.
- Documents and Reports for Information
D. Whitten introduced two informational documents that describe the curriculum committee’s procedures. Specifically, the documents provide guidance for reconciling differences in documents as a result of the unification of PUC and PNC, and emphasize the need to use the new PNW curriculum procedures and templates for processing documents.
- Remarks by the Representative(s) of the Student Government(s)President Z. Jakubowski of the Westville campus SGA reported on the achievement of four of the association’s five goals for the year. The SGA was involved in fund-raising activities that helped fund scholarship and attendance at leadership events. He asked that faculty and staff members strive to share positive information about the unification effort in an effort to defuse anxiety experienced by some students. President Melissa Sida-Diaz of the Hammond campus SGA on recent events held to celebrate Native Americans and the development of a rating system for professors. Discussions are taking place about the organization of the SGA for next academic year; these include the possibility of having only one president and one vice president for the combined association.
- Remarks by the University Senate/Intercampus Faculty Council Representative(s)In his University Senate report, F. Wang reported on efforts to make the West Lafayette campus smoke-free. A list of approved resolutions is included in the report posted on the website for the PNW Senate. The Intercampus Faculty Council approved a resolution to create a single representative for PNW and recommend the appointment of a coordinator for the council. The approved resolution is posted on the PNW Senate website (PDF). He also reported on the academic reorganization at Indiana University/Purdue University at Fort Wayne, including suspension of undergraduate programs or majors, suspension of graduate programs, elimination of departments or programs, and the merging of departments. V. Quinn reported on the Faculty Affairs Committee’s consideration of the potential for reducing teaching duties in cases involving child birth, adoption or foster care placement, and post-tenure review.
- Open DiscussionD. Wilbur announced the dates and locations of the Executive Committee meeting (Friday, November 18 in Westville) and the Faculty Senate meeting on December 9 (changed to LSF 144 on the Westville campus.
C. Boiarsky announced plans to hold a faculty party on the Westville campus during spring semester in the aftermath of the November 10 party on the Hammond campus.
K. Scipes announced plans by members of his environment and social justice course to hold a forum at the Westville campus on December 6.
L. Goodnight announced plans for Student Affairs to hold open dialogue sessions on November 14 and 15, and other activities designed to help relieve stress during final examinations.
- AdjournmentMeeting adjourned at 12:02 P.M.